Tainted One

These are the biographies of The Grim members.

Tainted One

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Full Name:  Tainted One; His god given name has long since been forgotten by him.
Titles or Nicknames:   Tainted One
Age:  113 years of undeath
Race:  Forsaken;  His corpse though would be considered "human"
Gender:  Male
Hair:   Unknown color as it is constantly in a state of gore and grim covered.
Eyes:  Once filled with glowing of the undead, they are stone cold dead now.
Height:  6'0 standing fully, with his bent hunched natural stance 5'11
Weight:  210 lbs. 
Notable Physical Features:  Body is constantly invaded by any various forms of larva, or insects.

Place of residence:  Nomadic
Place of Birth:  Un'Goro Crater
Known Relatives:  None - all deceased.

Religion/Philosophy:  Zealot of the Undead/ "...Those about to die salute you..."
Tainted One's strongest believe is simply that the curse of The Forsaken for him is simply the greatest event that could have occurred in his existence.  He doesn't see the sacrifice of a normal life a great loss considering, in his maggot filled mind, the great benefit being Forsaken as given him.  Though one would be hard pressed to get that out of him.  Quiet and solitary by nature his inability to connect strongly with others, even though of the Grim.  Has forced him to learn everything from trial and error.  Never having any formal training he plods along in an eternal lack of fully grasping anything he does.  He is not the best of anything and he is fully aware of his lack of true skill.  But, his will drives him forward to overcome with brute determination.  For him it is simply his place in life to be placed before any foe and give himself till nothing remains, for the good of the Grim.  He is the perfect foot soldier and strives simply to serve and kill.

Occupation:  File and Rank'er
Guild Rank:  Warmonger
Known Associates:  None of mention;  Any of the Grim that requires his assistance.
Known Nemesis:  None

Special Skills:  Two-Handed Axe;  Coughing up vermin.
Positive Personality Traits:  Loyal, Violent, Hateful, Obedient
Negative Personality Traits:  Paranoid, Sociopath, Introvert

History Before The Grim:  An ignorant swamp boy living in a society of uneducated, primitive swamp dwellers that called the Un'Goro Crater home.  The youth that would be known as simply "Tainted One" was destined for a life of uneventful normalcy.  Until a roving band of Human bandits and slavers took the boy for sale and destroyed the mud hutted village.  The lad was carried over time to the Eastern Kingdom where he and his captors fell victim to the plague.

History In The Grim:  Tainted One joined the Grim as soon as possible.  Untrained and far from well liked he simply advanced with the determination that had gotten him into the Grim.  He has clawed his way into a Forsaken that has learned slowly from his experiences and simply continues to advance his knowledge and skills.  Tainted has actually just recently been taught to read and has been away attempting to further his limited knowledge.
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