Rallaster DarkReign

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 51

Rallaster DarkReign

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Full Name: Rallaster Wolfe DarkReign
Titles or Nicknames: Rallaster, Rally, Ral
Age: 37
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Before Death - Brown After Death - Ice Blue
Height: 6 foot 8 inches
Weight: 308 LBs
Notable Physical Features: Scared sits on his right shoulder going down to his mid chest.

Place of residence: Rallaster has built his own Garrison. Its a continues project that he is overseeing while keep the Iron horde and Burning Legion at bay.
Place of Birth: Durotar, Off of the farm lands.

Crafting Skills: Jewelcrafter and Miner.

History Before The Grim:

Rallaster was born an orc with no certain path. While growing up he took up mining for the horde. Later he would help with other meaningful tasks such as cutting wood and building huts for his fellow horde members. However during this time in his teenage years he wanted more for himself and his family….

Years later he had a chance to go to the gladiator games. His eye was caught by an orc Shaman. The Shamans name was Rehgar Earthfury. After watching many matches he knew he wanted to learn the ways of the Shaman.

Months later Rallaster had packed up his bags and moved near the where the Gladiator games took place. He had started to train with the elements. After picking up his first two handed axe he could feel the power that it welded. The element of wind is what he favored the most. Nothing felt more at home than bashing his foe with the fury of wind that he carried!

Years pass as he become more and more wise. Wars had broken out yet again. This time he could no longer stand back. He was a young seasoned orc but he had to protect what was his. His village. As the undead attacked them daily he had started to slow down. He became very tired and weak during the rushes of the undead. After 4-5 days of fighting he had finally been overcome by the enemy.

His last breath was his hand clenching tightly over his axe. As his last breath escaped his body he could no longer hold on. Death had won that day. He never knew what happen to his family. Everything seemed to have happen so quickly….

Months had pasted. The Lich King finally took his step on their lands himself. Slowly he began rising the dead. Rallaster was risen to work for the Lich King. Later he had been freed of the Lich Kings power.

Now that he is free he now fights along side of the Horde. Actively he has been looking for a new home. Slowly uncovering his past. The new chapter has been started...
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