Tradire Redmourn

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Tradire Redmourn

Post by Riplie »

Full Name: Tradire Redmourn
Titles or Nicknames: Was given "Tappy" by a troll
Age: 105
Race: Sin'dorei
Gender: Female
Hair: Strawberry blonde
Eyes: A hint of the magic starved green glimmers behind the familiar blue hue of a deathknight.
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 85lbs
Notable Physical Features: Her throat when uncovered reveals a massive gash.

Place of residence: Her stone is set to the Shrine, but frequently will camp out in the world
Place of Birth: Quel'thalas, her family maintained a small set of workshops there.

Religion/Philosophy: Leave no one. This applies to her allies, and any who would cross her. She leaves no friend behind, and leaves no foe alive.

Occupation: Engineer and smelter
Guild Rank:
Known Associates: She keeps to her self, but considers anyone "Grim" to be an associate.
Known Nemesis: The already defeated Arthas.

Special Skills: Has been known to defeat very powerful foes normally requiring large war parties.
Positive Personality Traits: Loyal.
Negative Personality Traits: Unable to speak without her engineering creations. Can be a bit of a trickster.

History Before The Grim:
Early in life, her family worked as tradesman. They maintained a simple life in Quel'thalas. During the third war, the Redmourns quickly answered the call to arms, despite their lack of combat training. As the scourge advanced against their position, their greatest vanguard retreated, leaving them to fend for themselves. The battle was fierce, as Tradire watched her family falling to the advancing attack. She was the last to fall, she swung her sword widely and was finally stopped by a large ghoul, which thrashed her throat open.

As the Lich Kings hold over the death knights fell, Tradire's first thought was to march with the Ebon Blade to finish him off.

History In The Grim:
Upon joining her talents as a vanguard had quickly been realized. She continues to stand in the way of the strikes meant for her Allies.
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