
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 41


Unread post by Tronto »

Full Name: Tronto Defas
Titles or Nicknames: Buildabear
Age: 38
Race: Tauren
Gender: Male
Hair: Blackish Brown
Eyes: Dull Grey
Height: 7'9
Weight: 413
Notable Physical Features: Warped broken horn

Place of residence: Homeless. Been sleeping on the guild hall couch after hours. Please don't tell anyone.
Place of Birth: Desolace Boneyard
Known Relatives: N/A

Religion/Philosophy: N/A

Occupation: Box loader at Booty Bay.
Guild Rank: Supplicant
Known Associates: N/A
Known Nemesis: N/A

Special Skills: The ability to fulfill any role needed of me.
Positive Personality Traits: Optimistic, Open Minded, Very curious of anything new.
Negative Personality Traits: Very curious of anything new, nervous eating disorder, constant need to prove himself.

History Before The Grim: Tronto spent thirty-eight years within The Athenaeum. Deep within Dire Maul. Studying battles of old, Legends of past heroes, and the art of restoration. Tronto was chosen at an early age to rebuild the Leafwalker tribe by the last of his people. To obtain the ancient artifact stolen by the Centaurs many years ago. Rumored to be hidden deep within the Boneyard of Desolace.
History In The Grim: N/A

Extra notes- Tronto is very friendly and always ready to do anything for anyone. He gets real nervous when talking of his past and will try to change the subject quickly.
He has only been in the open world for two months. He looks into every sentence everyone says very deeply. He slow replies assure his deep thought.
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