Meifeng Quickpaw

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Meifeng Quickpaw

Unread post by Awatu »

Full Name: Meifeng Quickpaw. "Meifeng" loosely translates to "beautiful wind".
Titles or Nicknames: "Squirt"
Age: 22
Race: Pandaren
Gender: Female
Hair: Typical black and white patterns common to many Pandaren. She has a very long ponytail that she prefers to keep wrapped tightly underneath her uniform when working.
Eyes: Blue-green
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 255 lbs
Notable Physical Features: She has a sturdy build despite her profession. Her legs are powerfully built from years of constant travel and exercise. She keeps her visual appearance unremarkable so as to better blend into a crowd and to keep identification of her difficult.

Place of residence: Wherever the road takes her. Usually roadside taverns or campsites that she has made.
Place of Birth: The Wandering Isle
Known Relatives: Her parents remain on the Wandering Isle, along with a much younger sibling.

Religion/Philosophy: She venerates her ancestors like most of her kind do. She performs basic rituals when time allows, such as burning incense, praying, and meditation. They are kept brief, however, and may be pushed aside for more urgent tasks such as eating, drinking, or reading.

She is less concerned about the ongoing war with the Alliance but will not shy away from a conflict. To her, the Alliance is nothing more than a distraction to her education and will be dealt with accordingly. Whether it be simply ignoring them or knifing them in the night depends on what level of disruption they present to her goals.

Occupation: Explorer, cartographer, archeologist, alchemist, and thief.
Guild Rank: Minion
Known Associates: Awatu Stonespire and Bor'ghul Flamespeaker.
Known Nemesis: Hemmet Nessingwary and Harrison Jones.

Special Skills: She has quick reflexes and is trained well in the arts of subterfuge and espionage, though she rarely needs these skills. She is surprisingly strong and agile for her size, often outmaneuvering and overpowering foes much larger than herself. Her mind is quick to process information and her eyes are trained to catch any small detail.
Positive Personality Traits: Friendly, honest, and caring towards her comrades. She will not cheat or steal from them, but rooting through personal belonging is not 'cheating' or 'stealing'. Usually very cautious and observant.
Negative Personality Traits: Distracted and sometimes aloof to unfamiliar faces. Very curious and, at times, single-minded or selfish.

History Before The Grim: As small as the Wandering Isle is, it is no surprise that some young Pandaren yearned for adventure beyond their shores. When the opportunity to leave presented itself, Meifeng took it immediately. She chose to visit the Horde city of Orgrimmar over joining the Alliance as she had heard the the Horde was an expanding faction full of adventure and riches. The Alliance, conversely, was governed by rules, laws, and a 'king'. She did not sit well with being a king's peasant.

Despite the rather strained relations between the Horde races, she became a relatively free spirit and wandered across Kalimdor in search of knowledge and artifacts. At times, the Horde required her services and she was happy to oblige, but she always returned to where she had left off. Things did not really change for her until she met a Warlock.

History In The Grim: Meifeng joined The Grim for one reason: political freedom. With The Grim she could do as she pleased with little to no consequence. It was a much better alternative than being a conscripted Horde scout or surveyor. The details of her adventures while within The Grim are her own, but perhaps she could share them one day.
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