
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Full Name: Ruuki (Formerly Philomena Strongsoul)
Age: 52 (adult per Tauren bio)
Race: Tauren
Gender: Female
Hair: Brown, shaggy ending in a single braid down her back with a braid behind each ear
Eyes: Amber-brown
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 310
Notable Physical Features: She's a bit shorter than most average Tauren females

Place of residence: No set place of residence; she travels and sets camp wherever the fight takes her
Place of Birth: Mulgore
Known Relatives: Markus Strongsoul (father, deceased), Bima Earthsong (mother, deceased)

Religion/Philosophy: To live the Mandate, and to use the lessons of the past to better shape the future.

Occupation: Blacksmith, soldier
Guild Rank: Reaper
Known Associates: Sunderpalm, Daisha, Khorvis, Durma, Daxxum, almost any Grim
Known Nemesis: Fatlings, pinkskins, any who dare oppose the Grim

Special Skills: None that she considers worth mentioning
Positive Personality Traits: Loyal, generally good natured and good humored, willing to craft items or help others in their tasks without expecting a return
Negative Personality Traits: Can be a little impatient and short tempered sometimes

History Before The Grim: She spent the 4-5 years before joining the Grim hunting for any clues of her father's murderer, which took her to many places in and outside of Azeroth. She's had no luck, and joined the Grim after hearing of their penchant for total domination and destruction of their enemies, thinking they would help her in her quest.

History In The Grim: Life doesn't always go the way you plan, as she found out when she was attacked and left for dead in the jungles of Stranglethorn. She struggled with amnesia, and took on the moniker 'Ruuki' simply because the Dwarves she rampaged on and slaughtered were calling out something in their native tongue and it seemed to make them terrified. All she could remember was the Grim, and it was to the Grim she returned, a soldier ready to be molded to fit their needs. After a period of time and with Sunderpalm's help, she regained her memories, only to put to rest her entire past as Philomena, including her hunt to find her father's killer.

To this day, she is simply known as Ruuki, and she considers herself to be wholly Grim.

More of her personality is answered in the questions here.
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