
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 14


Unread post by Lyanielle »

Full Name: Rocksi Steelblast
Titles or Nicknames: Rocks, Steel, my geist calls me mama sometimes, the argent's called me the "Small Green Death" how rude tis dat?
Age: 26, before my "unfortunate" accident
Race: Goblin
Gender: Female
Hair:Blue, longish
Eyes:also blue
Height: 3 foot 5 inches
Weight:45 lbs
Notable Physical Features:skull clip on her hair sometimes seems to be looking at you, theres a scar around the base of her neck, and her ears are heavily pierced

Place of residence: Wandering
Place of Birth: Kezan
Known Relatives: Pah, if they didn't survive that danged volcano, they sure as heck haven't written me anways

Religion/Philosophy: dere are 3 rules i have, first, if it works, make it work better, secondah, if ya can't make it work better, make it work fastah, and third, if it ain't working, don't throw it out, use it as rocket ballast!

Occupation: Brusier/muscle for hire
Guild Rank: Minion
Known Associates: Kait, a troll huntah, a very LAZY troll huntah
Known Nemesis: Most of da Steamwheedle seem to hate me, but ah guess that what ya git for doublecrossing both dem and them stupid pahrites

Special Skills: EXPLOSIVES! i am one of teh best pyrokintec-combustion-obliteration-samophlange develeopers/engineer/practionioner around! if it blows things up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways... you name a direction and a explosive velocity, and i'll make it happen, guaranteed
Positive Personality Traits: ahm very business orientated, i work hard, and i make things work hard for me, i don't take quiting, or quiters as an option, aftah all, there is a good market for firing range dummies that ahctually move..
Negative Personality Traits: ah don't have much paitience, time is money, and da more time im waiting for something, the less its worth to me, im stubborn they say, i call it persistance, and finally im violent, heh, last person that told me i was too violent, and this is in gob standands mind yah, that was mah old uncle cogspring, ah look him in dah eyes, and said "well if you payed mah, i wouldn't have broken yah legs uncle, you know what mah business is like!"

History Before The Grim: working as a booty bay bruiser, served under the ebon blade after being recruiting on a mining trip in northrend, and finally worked for the Bloodsails for a quick profit
History In The Grim: not much, im a fairly recent addition, i hope to make mah mark soon
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