
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 14


Unread post by Lyanielle »

Full Name: Lyanielle Exavion Kevayadar (Kah-Vey-Ah Dar)

Titles or Nicknames: Priestess of the Argent Crusade, Lyan, or simply Lys but my friends

Age: I am Two Hundred and Fifty at the 3rd day of Midsummer's Festival

Race: Sin'Dorei

Gender: Female

Hair: White Blond

Eyes: Green

Height: 6'8"

Weight: I am not telling you that

Notable Physical Features:

Place of residence:

Place of Birth: Fairbreeze Village

Known Relatives: Living: Keyaldis (brother) Keel'thos (Father) Myridia (Mother)

Religion/Philosophy: I believe in the Light, that it is the will and the life of all things.

Occupation: Priestess or Healer

Guild Rank: Supplicant

Known Associates: Lixxel Blingspark, Ikdor

Known Nemesis: I don't hate, but if i had to choose, the Dusk Watch

Special Skills: Healing, major knowledge of alchemy, and able to translate many different writings.

Positive Personality Traits: I am easy going, very friendly, slow to anger (among allies, i will gut an alliance like a fish without much more provocation needed other than just seeing them) and i am a very cheerful and happy person overall.

Negative Personality Traits: i am stubborn, i enjoy drinking a little too much at times, and thats it, nothing else.

History Before The Grim: I worked with the Argent Crusade in northern, following the lich king's defeat there i came back to my parent's old home in fairbreeze only to find it been taken, from there i met indoor, traveled for some time, and eventually managed to get the deed to my family's summer home on the coast of Lordermere lake.
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