
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Posts: 6
Location: Arizona


Post by Aleistair »

Full Name: Aleistair; Formerly Alexander Nicholas
Titles or Nicknames: "The Fallen," "Whoreson," "The Hollow," "The Chaos Weaver," "The Doomspeaker"
Age: Forgotten ((~52 according to timeline))
Race: Forsaken
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Black
Height: ~6'2"
Weight: ~90 lbs
Notable Physical Features: Heavily decayed. Normally wears a cowl and cloak to hide rotting flesh.

Place of residence: Undercity/Ruins of Lordaeron
Place of Birth: Brill
Known Relatives: None. Location and status (dead or undead) of parents unknown.

Religion/Philosophy: "Of course there are greater forces than us in the world. I believe, however, that they can all be made to serve us. The mortal races have been vastly underestimated throughout time. Gods, demons, dragons; they can all be killed and they can all be controlled. True power lies in the hands of mortals who have the strength of will to control these outer forces, rather than submit to them. The trolls of Zul'Gurub and Zul'Drak knew this, but they grew careless and overly desperate. The warlock Gul'dan knew this, but he turned out to be an impatient fool. To be truly great, one must have patience and discipline as well as willpower and knowledge."

Occupation: Demonologist, Scribe
Guild Rank: Supplicant

Special Skills: Murder
Positive Personality Traits: Practical, Logical, Ambitious
Negative Personality Traits: Vain, Sadistic, Sometimes defiant of authority

History Before The Grim:
Alexander Nicholas was born in Brill as the illegitimate son of a priest and a prostitute. He grew up with a mother who saw him as a nuisance and an absent father who saw him as a mistake. Alexander worked for several years in the tavern to help him and his mother survive, then enlisted in the King's army at age nineteen to fight the orcs in the Second War.
When he returned to Brill, it was to find his mother, beaten to death by one of her customers. Alexander tracked the man down and stabbed him seven times in his sleep. To avoid arrest, he changed his name to Aleistair and moved to the city to become a scholar.
Aleistair became an avid reader and began to value knowledge above all else. He soon developed a fascination with the occult, and began studying forbidden magicks in secret.
In later years, as the plague swept across Lordaeron and just before Prince Arthas murdered the King, Aleistar was killed by a group of paladins who suspected him of being associated with the Cult of the Damned. Now, risen by the Dark Lady, Aleistar continues his quest for more knowledge, and more power.

History In The Grim:
Aleistair's power continues to grow. He has begun to prove himself by completing various tasks assigned to him by Inquisitor Greebo.
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