
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 11
Location: Orgrimmar


Unread post by Servilia »

Full Name: Servilia Sightsbane
Titles or Nicknames: Ambassador, Mother of Monsters
Age: Not Recorded
Race: Forsaken [Human]
Gender: Female
Hair: Purple
Eyes: Glowing Yellow
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 96 lb.
Notable Physical Features: Sunken, rotted cheeks; apparent age varies from youthful to matronly to crone-like, depending on lighting

Place of residence: Orgrimmar
Place of Birth: Not Recorded
Known Relatives: None

Religion/Philosophy: Servilia claims to hear the whispers of something deep beneath the surface of Azeroth, something older even than the Dragon Aspects. She believes in predestination, that only what must be done will be done, and that the actions, choices, and even thoughts of everything in existence are all writ large in the tapestry of Fate.

Occupation: Priestess, oracle
Guild Rank: Supplicant
Known Associates: None recorded
Known Nemesis: None recorded

Special Skills: In addition to her magic as a priestess, Servilia is skilled in numerous types of divination, including augury, cleromancy, extispicy, and astrology.
Positive Personality Traits: Patient, determined, prudent
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant, self-righteous, clandestine

History Before The Grim: Servilia has deliberately clouded her history. Inquiries turn up dead ends, flat refusal to answer questions, and enigmatic smiles from the subject herself. Rumors persist that she was Forsaken before Sylvanus freed the undead from the Lich King, that she was never human at all, or even that she does not exist, fading from the memories of those she meets within hours or days of leaving them. All she will claim is that she was a human seer who came to Lordaeron to advise King Terenas Menethil against the threat of the Scourge and has been guiding the Horde as best she could ever since.
History In The Grim: As yet, none.
There, then, did the gods appoint her a glorious house to dwell in: and she keeps guard in Arima beneath the earth, grim Echidna, a nymph who dies not nor grows old all her days. - Hesiod, Theogony
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