Gregosh Firefists

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 392
Location: Victoria, BC

Gregosh Firefists

Unread post by Hektar »

Full Name: Gregosh Firefists
Titles or Nicknames: Sergeant
Age: 28
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Hair: Bluish black mohawk and short beard
Eyes: Grey
Height: Average for orc
Weight: Above average Muscular build
Notable Physical Features:

Place of residence: Orgrimmar
Place of Birth:Azeroth
Known Relatives:
-Skarka- Mate
-Hektar Dragonsbane- Uncle
-Drankar Rageblade- Uncle
-Grank Firefists- father- deceased
-Dobari- cousin

Religion/Philosophy: Faithful follower of the ancestors. Complete faith in shaman guidance.

Occupation: Warrior
Guild Rank:
Known Associates: Skarka
Known Nemesis: The Burning Blade

Special Skills:
Positive Personality Traits: Follows his code of honour to the extreme.
Negative Personality Traits: Can become overcome by the blood rage.

History Before The Grim:
After being freed from the camps by Thralls army Gregosh traveled with the Horde to Kalimdor. Participated in the battle of Hyjal and showed great prowess in battle against demons.

Following the war he was assigned to a unit in the Horde army responsible for dealing with domestic threats. Spent a year undercover posing as an operative in the Burning Blade and following this lead dozens of successful assaults on Burning Blade Strongholds.

Was transferred to Northrend following the incident at the Wrathgate to reinforce Horde forces there. Recently brought into the Grim by Hektar after slaying Wellaron for failure to abide by the mandate.
History In The Grim: Thus far he has focused his efforts on battling the Alliance.
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