
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Post by Zarilix »

Full Name: Zarilix

Age: Unknown
Race: Undead
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Glowing Bright Blue
Height: 5'8”
Weight: 150lb

Notable Physical Features: The hunched corpse of a priest has a face that is bound by studded straps, covered by dark, lifeless hair. Few bones stick out of his rotten skin. His once-barren eye sockets have been restored with bright blue anima, and his slacked jaw repaired by Maldraxxian handiwork, so that his sinister yet delusional grin can always be seen.
Place of residence: The Butcher's Block, Maldraxxus
Place of Birth: The Deathknell Graves
Known Relatives: None

Occupation: A priest who takes great delight in creating new things of "life", ranging from his flesh-stitched constructs to new, grand sources of power.
Guild Rank: ADHERENT
Known Associates: None, other than his minion Saruson who he is culturing with the ways of Maldraxxus.
Known Nemesis: Alliance, especially the Worgen

Special Skills: Shadow mastery, herbalism, apothecary, negotiator, networker, creator of "life" and "power".
Positive Personality Traits: Zealous for the ones he deems most powerful and worthy to serve, assumes anything is possible and worth trying, oddly friendly.
Negative Personality Traits: Frequently distracted by whatever interests him the most in the moment, oblivious to social cues, always scheming.

History Before The Grim:

His memory only dates back to a little less than a year after the fall of the Lich King, when a val'kyr had just raised him from the Deathknell Graves. In his past life, he was a high priest of the holy light, teaching and preaching their code of respect, tenacity, and compassion. Now he lives his new life under the code of the Cult of Forgotten Shadows, that is, respect, tenacity, and power. The ascended heard soft whispers and voices of dark forces repetitively uttering what sounded like, "Zar-uhl-isk" and thus naming him so. His dislocated jaw prevented him from pronouncing his given name correctly, to the point that other Forsaken eventually began to just call him Zarilix.

The priest, after being given a second chance at life and a fulfilling purpose under her reign, pledged his allegiance to the Dark Lady, and began his service studying under an apothecary in Brill, designing and stitching up new abominations as well as practicing his shadow magic on the feeble-minded Scarlet Crusaders that were nearby. Zarilix began to climb the ranks of the Forsaken while in the Silverpine Forest, where he helped crush the worgen advances and was involved in several shadowy operations behind the shattered walls of Gilneas. The shadow priest was then placed under Master Apothecary Lydon's command to help handle the Sludge Fields disaster in Hilslbrad Foothills. Years following, he remained stationed in Tarren Mill under the banshee Melisara, helping wipe out the Alliance invasion with much explosive, poisonous, and deceptive power. It was there where word of mouth would get to the priest, words concerning The Grim. He swears that he would occasionally see a few of them passing by in their dark tabards and his curiosity was piqued but then quickly interrupted by the call to the Dark Lady's aid in Orgrimmar, who had recently been installed as the new chief. His zeal for her was unrelenting as he joyfully carried out her orders against any of her foes, from demons to Alliance, to even a few treacherous members of the Horde.

After her betrayal, however, the troubled priest retreated to the blighted lands of Tirisfal Glades and dwelled in Night Web's Hollow for months to possibly a year, feeding on spiders and critters. Zarilix meditated on what the many voices in his head had to say about the matter. She was the reason for being alive, his reason to live. Was it now all gone? It was not until the hermit's return to Kalimdor that he witnessed a new scourge invasion, one that would send him to Northrend and a new adventure that would begin in the Shadowlands, where he would find his soon-to-be apprentice Saruson and once again hear of The Grim...

History In The Grim:

After his interview with Inquisitor Zalanjo in Maldraxxus, and his meetings with the Shadowblade, the Twice-Made, and his first inquisition, Zarilix gleefully gets to work on his trials as a supplicant and the chores given by the Felmancer. Studying, preparing, talking, LOTS of talking (mostly to himself), the priest finds much excitement as he anticipates his new purpose to be founded in the Grim, his new reason to live, a second time.

Once the mutated yeti matter in the Alterac Mountains was handled, Zarilix began a three-day pilgrimage to his Forsaken history through the Hillsbrad Foothills, to the Silverpine Forest, and lastly, to Deathknell, where he would return to the grave that was once his home. There, Zarilix would make peace with his Forsaken ways and find peace in his shadowy soul, so that the priest may do his part in bringing the Grim's peace to the world, that is, peace through annihilation.
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