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Addikus (R1)

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 9:05 pm
by Atticus
Old version here.

Full Name: Addikus Grace (spelling varies)
Titles or Nicknames: Addie, The Scalp Hunter
Age: Died at the age of 22
Race: Human-Forsaken
Gender: Male
Hair: Black, messy, medium length
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 115 Lbs.
Place of Residence: None
Place of Birth: A small village just outside of Menethil
Known Relatives: Susanna Grace (deceased mother). Drinn Sel'Quar (missing wife)
Philosophy: Pragmatism
Occupation: None
Guild Rank: Harbinger
Known Associates: Drinn Sel'Quar, Syreena, Khorvis
Known Nemesis: Matthias Shaw

Notable Physical Features:
Addikus's skull was shattered and parts of it are held together by straps. He often has to push things back into place, which makes the bones click against each other.

He tends to keep his face covered with a linen cloth that was cut from an old shirt.

He rarely stands up straight. He slouches, stoops, leans, sprawls, creeps.

He walks with a limp from an injury that Fanyare mended a long time ago. The limp persists even though its underlying cause has been corrected - but the limp disappears whenever he does anything that is physically demanding.

Special Skills:
Learning to create poisons eventually led Addikus to become a proficient herbalist and alchemist. He enjoys farming and gardening.

Positive Personality Traits:
Addikus has changed a lot over the years since he first joined The Grim. He holds profound respect for everyone with the courage and fortitude to earn their tabard. He will do whatever he can to help them succeed. He is a loyal friend and guildmate, he has a decent sense of humor, he hates pretense, and he will always root for the underdog.

Negative Personality Traits:
Addikus is one of the most infamous warmongers in the history of The Grim, and his fanaticism occasionally brings him into conflict with those who are not as fervent about The Mandate as he is. But he is also contradictory - there have been years where he disappeared off on his own. Apart from that, Addikus tends to make snap judgments against people, and he has very few reservations about saying exactly what he thinks.

History Before The Grim:

There are longer versions elsewhere. The short version is that he was a street-urchin before he became an informant, working for Matthias Shaw, and he was embedded within the Bloodsail Buccaneers. He was betrayed, beaten nearly to death, and he was meant to be executed in Strattholme. He escaped just before the Culling, but not before he was poisoned by the plague of undeath.

History In The Grim:

Addikus has a long history among The Grim and has held many titles: Dreadweaver, Irredeemable, The Hand of the Grim, Inquisitor, Harbinger, and Scalp Hunter. He left shortly after his wife, Drinn, went missing. Addikus returned after the Shadowlands opened. It is safe to assume he hoped to join forces with Grim while he continued to search for his wife in the realms beyond. Upon his return, though, he soon understood how he had changed over the intervening years. He is in the Shadowlands for Drinn, yes, but he is also there for The Grim, and for The Mandate.