Meriette LeFey

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Meriette LeFey

Post by Meriette »

Full Name: Meriette LeFey
Nicknames: Mer (pronounced like mare)
Age: I would have been about 24 years before the plague. I've since lost count
Race: Forsaken
Gender: Female
Hair: Amethyst
Eyes: Only empty sockets where her eyes should be although somehow she can still see. This is a strange mystery that often bothers her
Height: 5'1"
Weight: 55 lbs
Physical Features: Average height for a Forsaken, more bone than skin these days. A metal plate with screws keeps her jaw from falling off
Current residence: Currently homeless, drifting from place to place
Place of Birth: Brill, Trisfal Glades (prior to the second war)
Known Relatives: Abigail (daughter/spirit), Mariette (twin sister/assumed dead), Cora (mother/deceased), Branec (father/deceased)
Religion/Philosophy: Once followed the light, now filled with contempt for it
Occupation: Hedge Witch
Enemies: Distrusts most of the living but has a particularly strong hatred toward humans and their allies
Weapon of Choice: Spells
Positive Personality Traits: Driven, fiercely loyal to those she grows close to
Negative Personality Traits: Angry, mistrusting, conflicted

History, before The Grim
Fell victim to the Plague of Undeath during the early years of Lordaeron's fall. Like so may others, she was taken by scourge invaders, ultimately becoming bound into slavery.

The ordeal twisted and tormented her mind, driving her quite mad for a time. After escaping the scourge she took refuge along with the other Forsaken in the ruins of Lordaeron under the protection of Lady Sylvanas until venturing out on her own in search of her lost daughter.

Although most of her wit eventually returned, Meriette still has almost no memory of her life as a human. What little she does remember comes only in flashes that lead her into a fog of confusion filled with anguish and a seething hatred felt not toward the scourge, but the humans of her past life.

After years of searching in vain for any evidence of what became of her daughter Abigail, Meriette returned to Trisfal Glades broken and defeated. And it was there that the two were finally reunited. Abigail, now a lost spirit was discovered wandering not so far from her old home in Brill. But finding Abigail didn't bring Meriette the peace she had imagined. The sight of her daughter's incorporeal form only served to fuel the fiery rage churning within.

Lately Meriette has become somewhat of a lost soul herself. Perhaps it was mere happenstance she stumbled across the notice calling out to the damned to join swords with The Grim while roaming the corridors of the lost and broken city of Lordaeron, but perhaps it was something more.
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