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Mharren Sil’Orah

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2020 11:20 pm
by Mharren
ll Name: Mharren Sil’Orah
Nicknames: Mhar
Season of Birth: Autumn
Race: Sin'dorei
Gender: Female
Hair: White-Blonde
Skin: Fair
Eyes: Fel-Green
Height: 5'8”
Place of residence: The Hinterlands
Place of Birth: Quel’Thelas
Known Relatives: One sister and a plethora of nephews.
Religion/Philosophy: "God exists.”
Occupation: Surgeon
Group/Guild affiliation: The Grim
Guild Rank: Warbringer
Enemies: The Alliance. Syreena. Magic.
Likes: Adventure books. Naps. Fishing
Favorite Colors: Green and Black,
Weapons of Choice: Sword or Dagger
Dislikes: Politics. Syreena.
Hobbies: Tinkering.
Positive Personality Traits: Analytical. Logical. Resilient.
Negative Personality Traits. Prone to Melancholy and negative thinking.
History Before The Grim: Previously a soldier of Quel’Thelas, Mharren retired from the military and took up a post at the Undercity practicing as a surgeon. When the Undercity was destroyed she fled to the coast of the Hinterlands where she maintains a small, rustic home. No longer in the employ of any larger organization, Mharren lives a subsistence lifestyle and only practices medicine when the opportunity presents itself. She was recruited into The Grim by Drinn Sel’Quar and maintains affiliation with them because of their simple philosophy and her fondness for its members.