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Mirathendia Morrowblood

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:04 am
by Mirathendia
[[An alliance-sealed missive, intercepted in Eastern Plaguelands from an unlucky courier.]]

Field report on Mirathendia Morrowblood (shortened by some to Mira)
Female Sindori, exact age uncertain
Hair, Red
Eyes, Golden
No particularly notable scars or markings.

Resides in a small manor house outside of Silvermoon. According to the histories I was able to find, she was born in that same manor house to Caman and SylsiaMorrowblood.

Morrowblood is an older family, but was not a large one. Mirathendia and her younger sister Shahadra (see the Magister's notes on Khelendra) appear to be the last of them and if rumours are true, Shahadra is now deceased.

Whether she claims to be a Blood Knight or a Paladin, she doesn't seem to have any respect for the Light, nor any particular devotion. She wields the Light as one would wield any other weapon into battle.

She has some skills in blacksmithing and horse training.

Associates and Affiliations:
Strangely, Mirathendia spends a great deal of time in the company of Rilasuka, a Frostwolf orc. I've been unable to ascertain how long the orc has been in Azeroth, or the exact nature of their relationship. The orc's wolf is vigilant and not easily distracted.

Recently, she has been seen in the company of members of The Grim. I haven't been able to verify her standing with the guild.

I'm not certain whether threats she's made are empty, but she has been heard to rail against Alleria Windrunner, Magister Umbric, and, quote unquote any other light-forsaken void elf who might've been the one to corrupt my sister. This, combined with her association with The Grim might make her more of a threat to the Alliance and our interests than she was originally assessed to be.

Personal observations:
In my estimation, she is fierce and loyal. I had believed that family was a thing she valued above all others, but if the rumours are true, I was mistaken in that belief.

Should you, or SI:7, require additional use of my services, you know where to find me.

I am, as ever, your well-paid and occasional servant,

[[ The signature is followed by what looks to be a stylized bird claw ]]