Athaelos Crimsonvein

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Athaelos Crimsonvein

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Full Name: Athaelos Crimsonvein [Pronounced: ATH-AY-LOS]
Titles or Nicknames: Former Lord of House Crimsonvein
Age: Adult
Race: Sin'dorei
Gender: Male
Hair: Black
Eyes: Missing (Felfire)
Height: 6'2
Weight: 120lbs
Notable Physical Features: Aside from the trademark Illidari lack of eyes, Athaelos has no defining features at this time.

Place of residence: Silvermoon City... Crimsonvein Manor.
Place of Birth: Silvermoon City
Known Relatives:
-Vaelanas Crimsonvein - Sister - (Deceased)(Murdered by Athaelos during his Trial of Sacrifice)
-Telarin Crimsonvein - Mother - (Deceased)
-Baelos Crimsonvein - Father - (Deceased)

Religion/Philosophy: Illidari Philosophy, The Mandate

Occupation: Former Illidari, Culturalist
Guild Rank: Supplicant
Known Nemesis: The Alliance, The Kal'dorei, Kul'tirans, The Burning Legion

Special Skills: Heightened Awareness through "Spectral Sight", Fueled by general bloodlust (makes him a very powerful weapon when unleashed), Diplomatic Speciality (outside of Bloodlust State).
Positive Personality Traits: Intelligent, Diplomatic, Loyal
Negative Personality Traits: (Frequent) Uncontrollable Bloodlust

History Before The Grim:

[A work in progress as I flesh out more details]

Athaelos was born into the House Crimsonvein, that of politicians and diplomats. He fell in love with the work, and grew up studying cultures...taking on the mantle of a diplomat. When the Sin'dorei allied with the Horde, he began to work for them as a diplomat during the Outland Excursions. These events lead him to The Black Temple to better understand The Broken Draenei that resided there, he was taken in and trained as a demon hunter after being captured and offered the gift.

Illidan fell, the Illidari were captured...and Athaelos and his companions were jailed for years...until the Legion invaded and they were released to help protect Azeroth. Athaelos devoutly fought for Azeroth and Argus, until Sargeras was cast away with the Titans...and Illidan.

History In The Grim:
After Illidan left to be jailor to Sargeras, Athaelos felt a hole in his being as the War for Azeroth tore the Illidari apart. He left home to Silvermoon City to resume his studies, however, the bloodlust and thrill of the hunt still wasn't sated. He sought out a cause, something to fight for...something to replace what the Illidari were. The Grim fit that purpose. He fought alongside the Grim during his Trial of Combat in Drustvar, slaughtering Alliance and Drust alike. His Trial of Sacrifice was a tool to seperate himself from his past, he slaughtered his remaining House Diplomats as well as his sister, Vaelanas, all to become fully devoted to The Grim and The Mandate.
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