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Ripley Battre

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:10 am
by Riplie
Full Name: Ripley Battre
Titles or Nicknames: She has been called "Rip" but it aggravates her to death. On the streets, she is sometimes refereed to as a "Predator"
Age: Just under 200 years
Race: Nightborne
Gender: Female
Hair: Grey with a hint of lavender
Eyes: White
Height: 6'5"
Weight: Fluctuates around 210lbs.
Notable Physical Features: Unremarkable Nightborne, her armor tends to be a bit more weathered than most.

Place of residence: Suramar
Place of Birth: Suramar
Known Relatives: Her brother Elathind Battre works in the vineyard carrying casks. Father Celalysai is a mason, and is busy rebuilding the damage to Suramar. Mother Elithet stays busy gossiping around the gardens.

Religion/Philosophy: Ripley doesn't put much faith in anything beyond herself. She doesn't care how the menders do what they do. If she had to pick a catch phrase or philosophy, she would pick "All debts must be paid"

Occupation: Debt Collector, Brawler
Guild Rank: Supplicant
Known Associates: Ivelysse Anthelme
Known Nemesis: A long list of Suramar Nobles who required enhanced debt collection tactics and their finger missing children.

Special Skills: Generally good at finding what will motivate someone to produce results. Kidnapping, torture, knowing when the next punch would be fatal to ensure results. Able to separate the dark side and present a mostly proper front.
Positive Personality Traits: Honest and reliable.
Negative Personality Traits: Arrogant to a fault. Stubborn.

History Before The Grim:
The Battre family has some nobility within Suramar. A working class family that was safe from being cut off and banished. Ripley had a dark side as a child, tearing off the wings of large moths and gluing them to frogs, and regularly pulling on the tail of every mana saber that passed hoping to unseat the rider. As she grew, she would regularly pick fights with anyone she felt would be a challenge, the bloodied noses seemed to drive her to fight better next time. The thrill of hearing someones teeth shatter from a kick drove her to keep on finding fights.

One fight happened in the alleys of Evermoon Terrace, away from the guards. The commotion brought out the owner of a business nearby as the fight was disrupting their day. As Ripley stood from the ground after pummeling a house boy of the Duskmere family, she was approached by the owner. Some obligations had not been met, and debts left unpaid, and a opportunity was presented to collect them.

As the muscle for Lady Ivy's Teahouse, Ripley was able to continue with the beatings, as well as return back to the childhood games of pulling parts off of creatures.

History In The Grim:
Ripley has just joined the Grim and has yet to make a name for herself.