
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
Posts: 5


Unread post by Gwarg »

Bio for Gwarg
Age: 35
Race: Orc
Gender: Male
Hair: Shaved Head / Black, Brown, Red facial
Eyes: Red
Height: 6”6’
Weight: 320 lbs
Notable Features: A great smile
Place of Residence: Ogrimar
Place of Birth: Ogrimar
Known Relatives: None
Religion: None, but respects others greatly even to the point of a blatant curiosity.
Occupation: Mercenary
Guild Rank: Initiate
Known Associates: The Tauren druid Bishop
Known Nemesis: none
Special Skills: Knowledge of the Anatomy of most races / A very very loud yelling or howling voice
Positive Personality Traits: Positive, well adjusted, attitude “Just cause the work is ugly business, doesn’t me we all can’t go grab a brew when it’s done.”
Negative Personality Traits: A horrible and consistent flirt
History before the Grim: Horde Army, Mercenary, Guild Leader, Mercenary
History in the Grim: N/A

A pinned note attached to the dossier, which appears to be a ripped diary page.
(The Page Begins)

. . . As to my new guild leader, Gwarg, he is one of the more agreeable orc specimens I have ever met. When my love and I came to the guild we were promised the chance to make a difference from the shadows, which is something you might hear from any of the numerous guilds in Azeroth. However, it has been due to the . . . odd. . . leadership of Gwarg where we have actually been able to see our actions lead to change. That's not to say he is the perfect leader, what leader is, but for an Orc Gwarg seems to be uncharacteristically level headed. Most notably he listens when people speak to him, and it matters not the subject. On a pleasant mission back to Silvermoon, our party was given protection duties to a couple of diplomats. On that simple, and all be it boring, mission, I witnessed, for the first time ever, an orc listen to, and participate in discussions ranging from politics to the various religions of our world. While writing this, it does occur to me Gwargs part in any of these dialogues were still brief and simple, but none the less with genuine thought. It would almost be charming if I didn't catch him constantly . . . appreciating my silhouette in between commentaries. The presence of intellect, is a stark contrast to his abilities in battle. Where you would find most men who take up arms and converse in matters of higher society show an aptitude for form and restraint in battle; you will find this particular orc throwing caution to the wind shouting and swinging wildly till his axes find there mark. Speaking about shouting, I must remember to stay out of earshot the next time he decides to make his voice a tool for massive migraines. Just yesterday we caught a human spy outside our camp, and when we brought him to our leader, Gwarg spent an hour interrogating the poor sod at the top of his lungs. I've hear dwarven gunshots quieter than Gwarg's barking and it went on for a whole hour. He then proceeded to put a spike boot betwixt the poor humans nether region, cut out his tongue and eyes, and boot him back out into the wilderness. I'm glad he's on our side, or now that I think about it, I'm glad I'm on his side.
None the less, tomorrow we begin our zeppelin trip to Northrend the leader has us set into certain groups, and I've been assigned . . .

(The Page Ends)
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