Baalthemar Dawnsorrow

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Baalthemar Dawnsorrow

Post by Baalthemar »

Full Name: Baalthemar Dawnsorrow
Titles or Nicknames: Baal
Age: Young (looks to be in his early 20s)
Race: Blood elf
Gender: Male
Hair: Sandy blonde
Eyes: Dark Green
Height: 1.87m / 6' 2" (Currently 6' 7")
Weight: Athletic (Currently heavier due to mutations to his body)

Notable Physical Features:
As with most Blood elves, Baalthemar has hawk like features and a strong jaw line. Unlike most blood elves however he is almost always covered in some form of grime or soot.
His voice is heavily accented with Gutterspeak, having a wet and raspy sound despite his Blood elf heritage.
(Currently, his hands have turned into twisted claws, with long thick finger nails ending in sharp points.)

Place of residence: Homeless, but enjoys resting in the wild places in the world over staying in large cities.
Place of Birth: Silvermoon.
Known Relatives: none, Baalthemar is an orphan.

Treat others how you wish to be treated, Baalthemar has seen how many treat those they believe beneath them, most being cruel.
Occupation: Vagabond, Thief, Male Escort, Part-Time Street Performer, and Professional Miscreant.
Guild Rank: Supplicant
Known Associates: None from his old life remain alive.
Known Nemesis: none yet
Special Skills: His natural paranoia has fueled his skills at stealth and spy craft, he also takes note of little comments or actions that he could use to his advantage outside of combat, this could be knowledge that a guard is cheating on his wife, or that a barmaid has an addiction to drugs that she is hiding from her employer, whatever can help him survive.

Positive Personality Traits: Loyal and caring to those he has chosen as friends, and those that show him kindness without thought of personal gain.
Negative Personality Traits: Paranoid, and prone to melancholy when left with his own thoughts for too long. When pushed into reliving his tormented youth; Callousness, Lack of empathy and a tendency to boredom sated by violence and cruelty.

History Before The Grim:
************WARNING: Adult Content*****************

Baalthemar was orphaned on the streets of Silvermoon and Undercity, from a young age he was forced to steal and rob to survive, he found that earning money at the point of a knife came easy to him. He used his charm and wit to talk his way out of many encounters with law enforcement. When his wit failed, he could rely on his speed to simply outrun his assailants.

He found entertainment in defacing the wanted posters that the guards would put up, by adding crimes or increasing the bounty on his head. He and his friends lived well (for street children), taking what they needed form the stores and shops within the city, and playing games in the streets.

As Baalthemar grew, the attention from guards for the crimes that he and his friends committed became more apparent and more violent, beatings and jail time for those that were too slow or were out maneuvered, and bounties on those that the guards could identify.

War came to Silvermoon, and it brought with it a brutality and cruelty that some within the city used as an excuse to act on hidden urges. Seeking safety from the war, Baalthemar and his few remaining friends sought out the aid of a guard Captain, Taanis Blackspell. In time they come to understand the suffering that they had doomed themselves too.

In the days after the battle, the missing and the dead became too high to count and with no one searching for Baalthemar or his friends, they faded away into the depths of the corrupt and cruel guard Captains estate. Baalthemar and his friends were the main attraction at many of Blackspell’s parties, times being as they were, few question his actions.

Beaten, tortured and used for the pleasure of the Captain’s guests, Baalthemar and his friends were passed from guest to guest, as nothing more than play things. Those that were broken were never seen from again, their usefulness fulfilled.
Time passed, and Baalthemar endured his treatment at the hands of Captain Blackspell, he waited for his time to make good his escape.

His chance to strike came after the captain let his guard down after a long night with Baalthemar. He quickly turned on the exhausted Taanis, and forced his thumbs into the man’s eyes until blood pooled on the bed sheets.
As Taanis screamed and struggled to get the young elf away from his face, Baalthemar calmly got off him and picked up a steel water jug for the bedside, Taanis had crawled off the bed when Baalthemar rolled him over and swung the jug into the Captain's head until all that could be heard was the hollow should of an empty water jug pounding warm blood and wet bone into the cold stone floor.

Baalthemar dressed himself and made his escape. He left the estate and found his way onto a caravan headed to Undercity. There he found work as a male escort and managed to hide from anyone that might be hunting for him.

Baalthemar learned to use charm and guile to manipulate people, from an eccentric undead man, After his time in Undercity he headed out into the wilds to live alone.
History In The Grim: After joining The Grim Baalthemar has struggled to find his place, hostility came quickly towards him, but despite this Baalthemar has pushed himself to prove his worth.
For now he has found his stride and is adapting to life within The Grim, but time will tell if he will stumble and fall, or succeed and grow.
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