Tesonii Inbetween (Scythemia)

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Posts: 12

Tesonii Inbetween (Scythemia)

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Tesonii Inbetween, Once Scythemia, Before Dalendala

Gender, Race, Class: Female Sin'dorei Rune Knight

Age: 89

Occupation: Reaper

Languages: Thalassian, Orcish, Dwarven, Gutterspeak

Physical description: Tesonii is pale, with blue eyes and hair. She claims the strange coloration comes from her exposure to arcane magic. She's fairly tall, and is built like a dancer. She often wears a hood to keep the sun out of her eyes. Her arms are usually smudged with ink of some kind, or drawn on when she gets bored. Her face is very expressive, and it's hard for her to hide her feelings. Tesonii only wears dresses, and will not wear pants. She's always very cold.

Personality: Tesonii has an insatiable thirst for activity, and is quite single-minded. She takes to activities with a frightening exuberance to compensate for her quietness. She bears rather significant grudges, and feels rather deeply about even superficial friendships.

Skills: Accomplished spellcaster and agile fighter. Excellent painter.

Combat Tactics: Tesonii uses rune magic extensively, and uses her melee stances and attacks as somatic components. She uses a lot of circular strikes to create foci for her runes. Tesonii is very agile for someone of her armor rating, and enjoys melee combat augmented by spells far greater than casting at a distance. She shows a preference for frost and transmutation magic, and uses a combination of grace and physical might to overcome her foes.

Phobias and Weaknesses: Tesonii is mute, and unable to speak for the most part. If restrained, she is unable to use her magic and often panics. She feels very strongly about Aaren, Breygrah, and Kex'ti, though the latter are Sanctuary. She has compunctions against attacking innocents, but unlike Kex'ti isn't afraid to strike down weak combatants. Permanently. Somewhat ironically, Tesonii is vulnerable to frost magic.

Pet Peeves: People who won't communicate with her.

Special Possessions: Aaren bought her a collection of inkwells shortly before Midsummer. She has a storybook from her and Kex'ti's childhood, and her Sanctuary tabard tucked away.

Origin/Birthplace: Murder Row, Quel'thalas.

Brief History: Tesonii Inbetween wandered the world after the passing of the Lich King, mastering her magical studies begun in secret long ago and honing her gymnastics into a potent combat art. She crossed into Draenor to find Kex'ti, her one surviving figure from her past. She joined his guild as a matter of convenience, having nowhere else to go. She now seeks to fulfill the Mandate and bring peace to Azeroth.
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