Xurek Mangeclaw

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Xurek Mangeclaw

Post by Xurel »

Xurek Mangeclaw

Date of Birth: BDP -9
Age: Around the later 30 years
Race: Orc
Gender: Female
Hair: None
Skin: Dis-colored Tan from the stresses of freezing temperatures of Dun Morogh
Eyes: Ice Blue
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 152

Place of residence: World's End Tavern
Place of Birth: Valormok, Azshara
Known Relatives: Xurel (Grandfather) member of the Frostwolf Clan
Religion/Philosophy: Quick wit and good planning will come out on top in the end over those who trust solely in strength. In battle and in politics, plan ahead, but be adaptable, for no plan of battle survives first contact. Subtle maneuvering can sometimes reap more rewards than acting out in the open, though brute force sometimes has its place. Always work behind the scenes to erode the authority of the states of Thrall, but pay them lip service in public.

Occupation: Tracker for the Warsong Clan
Group/Guild affiliation: The Grim
Guild Rank: Supplicant

Favorite Foods: Savory Deviate Delights
Favorite Drinks: Black Coffee with a twist of Lung Juice Cocktail
Favorite Colors: Ice Blue, much like the ice capped lakes of Dun Morogh
Weapons of Choice: Dual weapons normally one handed swords
Enemies: Long years in competition with Dwarves have given reason to hate and resent this proud race. Will kill Dwarves on sight, unless badly outnumbered and will exclude all others and take aim on the Dwarves.

Dislikes: Being treated unfairly, thous who are known liar's or being lied too
Hobbies: Love to travel to new lands taking a sketch pad out to take drawings of the area and read by camp fires
Physical Features: One massive scar on the left for-arm made from the bite marks of Mangeclaw
Special Abilities: Submit prey by sheer force of will
Positive Personality Traits: No hesitation in the heat of battle, will never back down from a true fight no matter the odds. Very well educated for an Orc
Negative Personality Traits: Short temper and thick-headed
Misc. Quirks: Forgets to take deep breaths when swimming in deep seas or lakes


Mi Grandfather Xurel believed that if one of his kin has a gift that gift should be tested to prove worth for the clan. Mi was taken across a great sea for many days and nights we finally slow and mi Grandfather whispered we have reached Dun Morogh. The sky was misty and mi could see white capped mountains, it was cold so unlike mi dwelling. Mi test had to completed before mi could come back to Valormok.

The first part of mi test was to live in the lands of Dun Morogh till mi was strong enough to overtake a white bear that was well know his name was Mangeclaw. Mi was to survive inside the boarders of the great forge, Iron Forge". The second part of the test to track down a Clan of Elf's "Blood Elf's" and learn what mi could from them. Mi Grandfather Xurel taught mi long time ago that if there was learning to do and knowledge of magical forces to understand that the Blood Elf's where known for that wisdom.

Years have pasted mi two tests have been completed for many years and mi have traveled back to the lands of which mi was born. Mi have traveled to Valormok but its different mi Grandfather Xurel is no longer within the boarders of Valormok the dwelling is barren and the only thing that is known from the grunts that patrol the area is that Xurel left many years ago with no word to any one of why or where.

It seems that mi have a third test to find what has happened to mi Grandfather...
Last edited by Xurel on Mon Nov 03, 2008 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Xurek Mangeclaw

Post by Esmi »

*Looking around she finds this, blowing off the dust on top she smiles*

Xurek is a strong warrior among us.  With her bow and pet, she is more than apt to slaying anything that she comes across.

The major flaw found, however, is her lack of confidence in how intelligent she truly is.  She possesses wisdom many do not, and is  a valuable scout for the Grim.
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