
These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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Location: Orgrimmar


Post by Abric »

Full Name: Abric Perenolde
Titles or Nicknames: The Enforcer. Irredeemable. Rogue. Peacock. Boss.
Age: Undead
Race: Forsaken
Gender: Male
Hair: None
Eyes: Yellow
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 100 pounds
Notable Physical Features: Abric has an extremely thin, unhealthy appearance to him. While typically fully clothed, the articles of clothing always look to be too big for his frame. His face is withdrawn and his features malnourished. The skin of his face is stretched taunt, giving more definition to his wide jaw-line and thin lips. His nose seems too big for his face, with large nostrils and a downward curve to the bridge line. His ears seem in proportion to his head, but are well pronounced with the absence of hair. The skin of his scalp is dry and checkered with small yellow and black bruises. His eyes glow a flat yellow, with an absence of any pupils.

Place of Residence: Spends most of his "off-time" in The Gallow's End Tavern in Brill, or The Filthy Animal in Dalaran
Place of Birth: Alterac
Known Relatives: None

Religion/Philosophy: The Mandate

Occupation: Rogue
Guild Rank: The Enforcer
Known Associates:
Known Nemesis:

Special Skills: Special Abilities of any Forsaken
Positive Personality Traits: Determined and dedicated to tasks. Honest.
Negative Personality Traits: Negative about others skills and talents. Intolerant of others opinions if they do not match his own.

History Before The Grim: Prior to Undeath, Abric was human. He has stated that he was alive during the First and Second War, but did not participate as a combatant. He did not participate in the Third War, but did die during the invasion of the Scourge. His death was due to his starvation while hiding, alongside Licidion, though it is not stated who found them afterward.
History In The Grim:
~Death is sweeter on the pommel's end
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