The Empty Cookie Jar

These are the biographies of The Grim members.
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The Empty Cookie Jar

Unread post by Tekk »

Name: Just Tekk.
Nicknames: none atm.
Age: young adult
Race: Goblin
Gender: Female
Hair: turquoise
Skin: light green
Eyes: Violet
Height: 3'4
Weight: average
Place of residence: Dalaran at the moment, but my real home is on my ship.
Place of Birth: Kezan
Known Relatives: All died when kajaro exploded. The lava flowed over our house. At the time it was just me and my grams. My mom and pop died years ago when i was jus a baby by a trike accident.
Religion/Philosophy: Priest

Occupation: I used to run my grams ol bakery back on kezan. We made home made candy, cookies, and baked goods there. It was called "Gram's Goodies" I sure do miss that place. Now a-days I study alchemy and enchanting. Ya don't get too many good baking jobs thanks to that chick up in Dalaran sellin doughnuts and stuff. So i branched out into other things I was good at.

Enemies: I try my best to find the good in everyone.

Favorite foods: Cookies, baked goods, sweets, candy, cookies ect. Anything to remind me of home and my gram. Did i mention cookies?

Favorite drinks: Tea, milk, juice especially apple juice!

Weapons of choice: Weapons, i don't need no stinking weapons, I use my mind. Mental magic, that's all the weapon i need.

Likes: Technology, I like to see how things work. I like to get in there and dissect it down to the base so i can see what it takes to tweak it with power and make it better. Techno-magic kinda stuff.

Dislikes: Competition, and gnomes.

Hobbies: Finding different foods and drinks around azeroth.

Physical Features: well, people always tell me I still look like a kid. I guess you could say its because i'm short, with dimples, and a bubbly personality.

Positive Personality Traits: I guess you could say, trying to find the good in everyone.

Negative Personality Traits: I kinda have a short temper.

Special Abilities: I'm a mentalist. I can read minds, I can talk to people in their heads, I can hear their thoughts, and i can change peoples thoughts with a bit of will, Its hard to do, and i don't do it unless the person is willing, or a threat.

Well like i said, I grew up not knowing my parents. All I had was my grandma and she was all I needed. She ran the bakery in town and when i was little she would let me help her in the shop from time to time. As she got older her mind started to slip, she didn't remember recipes, or prices. When it got to where she was forgetting frequent customers I offered to take over the business. I stayed with her till times got real bad with Gallywix and all. Fortunately he liked our cookies so we weren't on his bad list, but still it was tough times for all gobs. When kajaro blew i was out getting an undermine journal for my grams. I didn't have enough time to make it back to her before the shop and our home above was engulfed in lava. My gram told me when i was just a lil gob that when she died there was a trust fund for me that she had set aside. It took all of that to buy my ticket from Gallywix off the island. The only money I had when i got to org was a few macaroons left over that she had stashed for me inside a knapsack along with a picture of her holding me as a baby. I live my life now trying to be as good of a person as she was. Trying to find the good in all people, and do my part in this world to help feed the hungry, nurture the sick, and help this world grow in to a better place for all gob kind.
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