
All puppets have a Puppet Master (( Player Applications for Applicants ))

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Unread post by Lushang »

How did you hear about The Grim?

I used to be on Twisting Nether during Wrath of the Lich King and I saw <The Grim> around all the time, but didn’t really pay that much attention to them at the time because I was something of a newb. After Cataclysm and much server/alt hopping, I was persuaded to come home by Duroxas, who’s encouraged me to apply to <The Grim>.

What experience do you have with internet forums? Do you check them frequently or infrequently?
I am familiar with web forums, but I don’t frequent any one in particular. As a resource for a guild, I would certainly check them at least once a day or so to keep up to date with important information.

What sort of role-playing experience do you have? Would you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
I don’t know about Gygaxian levels of roleplay, but I would consider myself experienced, though not as prolific as some.

The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?
My previous few characters have been what I call “politically motivated.” So, yes. Lawful Evil. It’s the best kind of evil. Shang is a bit more towards Lawful Neutral, but isn’t above letting a few things go “unnoticed.”

Have you been part of any other guilds in World of Warcraft? If so, who were they and what server do or did they reside on? Let us know of your experience with them and what made you decide to either leave or continue to stay.

The guild that I am currently leaving is in a situation of being dead in the water. There are too many guilds on the server and not enough people applying to them. Beyond that, I raided most seriously in tiers 9 and 10 on Twisting Nether, in guilds that are now gone. During Cataclysm, I joined a few guilds for a social atmosphere while leveling alts, but never really found “home.”

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.

I would consider Lushang to be my main for the time being. He’s a new RP character, but I’m enjoying both elemental and resto enough that they’ll sate my ranged and healer lusts. The monk I’ll wind up leveling can cover tanking and melee.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment? Do you have any PvE experience from other MMO games?

I’ve leveled every class except for mages, hunters, and now monks to 85. (Though, I did level a monk from 85 to 90 on the beta and it was amazing.) I was a rogue in tier 9, and learned to tank on a DK during tier 10. I did at least LFR on all of my 85s and in all roles, and while tanking is my favorite, I would say that resto shaman is the most fun healer spec right now, and Duroxas tells me her raid group needs another healer.

As long as I’m being honest, my pve experience actually goes back to Final Fantasy XI almost a decade ago, where I was a tanking paladin. I never really got into the end game, but absolutely no one could pull threat off of me.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment? Do you have any PvP experience in other MMO games?

I never really got into competitive/ranked pvp due to a bad experience with my first handful of arenas, but a few recently with a friend have let me think that maybe I have some potential after all. I’ve enjoyed battlegrounds on almost everything I’ve played as though.

What is your regular World of Warcraft play schedule? If your answer is "anytime", "flexible", or some other vague word please describe why.

I’m usually on most evenings, as I’ve recently secured the morning shift at my place of employment, but the hour at which I’m available to log in each night varies, thanks in large part due to a wonderful little asterisk at the bottom of my work-schedule that says “Clock out times may vary depending on sales volume.” More than likely this would be impacting my Friday/Saturday/Sunday/Monday, but not so much so that I can’t log in even if I wanted to.

How is your computer performance when playing World of Warcraft? What is your FPS/load times during heavy graphical or high population times? Is your internet connection stable?

I’ve been running on Good for a very long time, but have recently found that Ultra works just fine if I want to run on 12fps. Unfortunately, due to a bug that seems related to CRZ or the nvidia driver, I’ve had to dial it back to low. This has minimized the occurrence of a bug that happens mostly out in the open world where my monitor will basically shut off due to not receiving anything from the game. Hopefully this will be fixed within the patch.

My load times are fairly quick, and my connection is dedicated and stable. I am the only one on it.

Provide an armory link to your character.
- ... ang/simple
Do you have anything further to add?
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Posts: 2458

Re: Lushang

Unread post by Awatu »

Could you give us some names of the guilds you have been in? At least, the ones on Twisting Nether.

Re: Lushang

Unread post by Lushang »

<The Pale Heart> in tier 9, followed by <the Stormwolf> for the vast majority of tier 10.
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Re: Lushang

Unread post by Awatu »

If you are available at 8:00 pm this evening, we will gather and discuss your admittance.
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Re: Lushang

Unread post by Awatu »
