Tinglu Zing'Tala

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Tinglu Zing'Tala

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Grim Application For Tinglu Zing'Tala

How did you hear about The Grim?

Through your ad posted on Twisting Nether Gazette, friendly referral from Duroxas, aswell as I have seen you on the server for many years now.

What experience do you have with internet forums? Do you check them frequently or infrequently?

I use forums often so long as I have a reason. There will be months where I do not check a forum once, or months where I check it consistently.

What sort of role-playing experience do you have? Would you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?

My roleplaying experience began on the release date of WoW, with minor roleplaying experience prior to that in WoW Beta and Warcraft 3.

The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?

The majority of my WoW roleplaying days were spent on a pirate as my main. Not a silly pirate, a more realistic style, ruthless pirate. As to lawful evil, I have little experience, but am quick to learn. As to characters with evil intent, I have a plethora of experience with different styles and races.

Have you been part of any other guilds in World of Warcraft? If so, who were they and what server do or did they reside on? Let us know of your experience with them and what made you decide to either leave or continue to stay.

On Twisting Nether, my only role playing guild was The Pale Heart, though I hear recently it is not as spectacular as I recall. I was a member of Kul Tiras Marines, The Blackflag Armada, and The Stromgarde Army of Maelstrom During the Vanilla/BC WoW era.I I'm currently a member of Kul Tiras Marines and The Blackflag Armada on Moon Guard, though greatly reduced from previous glory.

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.

I do not have a main character. I split my playing time between Tinglu, on Twisting Nether, and Marethia and Lern on Moon Gaurd.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment? Do you have any PvE experience from other MMO games?

I have raided in classic/BC/WoTLK/and Cataclysm WoW. I never reached end-content in BC or WoTLK, but I did beginner raids. Cata, I got as far as Firelands before taking a break. I prefer primary roles as tank or healer, but can DPS just as fine. I do not have end-game PvE experience from other games.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment? Do you have any PvP experience in other MMO games?

In WoW, I have little recent PvP experience. I pvped extensively during classic WoW, but fell off with the introduction of resilience and the BC expansion. In Cata, I began to PvP more often. I do, however, have extensive pvP experience from Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

What is your regular World of Warcraft play schedule? If your answer is "anytime", "flexible", or some other vague word please describe why.

I play about 5+ hours a day, depending upon my work and class schedule. I work in a restaurant, so schedules change weekly, if not daily on occasion.

How is your computer performance when playing World of Warcraft? What is your FPS/load times during heavy graphical or high population times? Is your internet connection stable?

My computer performs well on WoW at most all times. I receive a rate of 26-30 fps, and my internet connection is stable.

Provide an armory link to your character.

http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... glu/simple

Do you have anything further to add?

None! I feel like the application covered everything :)
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Re: Tinglu Zing'Tala

Unread post by Awatu »

If you are available at 8:00 pm this evening, we will gather and discuss your admittance.
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Re: Tinglu Zing'Tala

Unread post by Araun »
