
All puppets have a Puppet Master (( Player Applications for Applicants ))

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Posts: 259
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Unread post by Brass »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?
"My name's Zeeky Heftybomb. I've shortened it to H-Bomb, it's faster to say. I'm better known as 'Zeek' or my old war nickname 'One-Piece'"

(IC) What is your gender and race?
"Male Goblin, through an' through."

(IC) What is your class in life? Why did you choose to follow this class?
"I'm a Sapper, friend. I work with explosives and solve complex dilemmas with seaforium, powder, and the good ol' charge. You'd probably sum up my tactics as comparable to a 'Hunter' - given my use of a gun, explosives, and propensity for rigging traps."

(IC) Who is sponsoring you? What are you bringing to The Grim to be sponsored?
"My son, Bazzil Brasspair, is sponsoring me. He believes a lot in you and I believe a lot in him. As for what I bring? Experience, friend. I was busting blues on the killing fields of Hillsbrad, Quel Thalas, Alterac, and Khaz Modan well before some of you were weaned. Even today, I will kill you no small amount of Alliance scum."

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
"My whole life, for the most part, has been in service to the Horde. I got signed up in Kezan as part of the Steamwheedle Compact during the Second War, where I was trained and set loose as part of countless sapper teams. Over 873 successful missions I've run to my credit, having outlived all of my squads - with all parts of my body intact, I should add - hence the nickname they gave me. I destroyed targets ranging from towers, to barrackses, Dwarven bunkers, even Elven Rune Stones. My primary assignment was to the Warsong Clan, where I remained with them well after the war officially ended - fighting a guerrilla war alongside the likes of Grom Hellscream before Thrall showed up. I returned home to Kezan instead of joining their travel to Kalimdor, paid and with full honors for my years of service. They gave me a medallion, which I still wear proudly. There, I went into business as a Fireworks Vendor and Quarry Blaster. When Kezan was destroyed during Deathwing's emergence, my family was murdered by Alliance cannonade barrage on Gallywix's barge. Since that day, I've devoted myself fully to the goblin people and the complete annihilation of the Alliance, founding KORE Enterprises as a support group for refugees cruelly brutalized by the Alliance and treated as peons by Garrosh Hellscream. Now, with the Kor'kron and Garrosh's regime viciously punishing dissenters, KORE's efforts to unionize and protect Goblin rights has made them a target. The organization has gone underground, and I've become a liability to it. As such, I have publicly stepped down as Overseer and unofficially 'disbanded' it. It is now my hope that The Grim will provide me with better ways of aiding the Goblin people without suffering retaliation, staving off the threat of the Kor'kron and Garrosh's totalitarian regime, and providing opportunities to utterly annihilate the Alliance that threatens the very notion of peace."

(IC) What are your thoughts of the new direction the Horde has taken since the Cataclysm?
"I have never fully approved of Thrall's peacemongering practices, it is part of why I declined joining the 'new' Horde in Kalimdor. It is my understanding that Humans, and by extension, every race obedient to the Humans that make up their 'Alliance', will never settle for anything less than the servitude of all races to their arrogant sense of morals. Thrall would've had us compromise ourselves into being puppeted similarly for sake of peace with them, and I could not abide that.

That said, I can say with pride that I served alongside Grom Hellscream in combat against them - while I cannot say that I knew him well, as he was little more than my commanding officer, I am familiar with his tactics and certain unconventional wisdom many do accredit him with despite his bloodthirst. This wisdom is not shared by his son, who to my knowledge is little more than a stranger to our world given way too much power that he has not truly suffered for. While I approve of Garrosh's desire to crush the Alliance, and such, do serve the Horde to which he rules with an iron fist - I do not approve of his recklessness or methods. He is a bully, and his regime is a danger to this great Horde, and all the races that believe in the freedom and autonomy that the Horde provides."

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... omb/simple

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
Zeeky H-Bomb is my first Goblin character. A lot of work went into him, and his backstory. Everything about KORE is true - when I played him, he was guild leader of that guild, and we made it to level 12 in the early days of Cataclysm. It pains me to have him leave KORE, but with the inactivity of that guild due to a variety of factors and the lore that I've worked out, I think ol' One Piece will be a perfect fit in The Grim.

At any rate, he is also my primary Mining alt - the source of all my materials for leveling Brass' blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting in Mists of Pandaria. I will be using Zeek a lot to get Brass up to par for raiding and to help provide my capped blacksmithing/jc services.

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Re: Zeekyhbomb

Unread post by Awatu »

Admitted by Ryanica.