
All puppets have a Puppet Master (( Player Applications for Applicants ))

Moderator: Officers

Posts: 28


Unread post by Rujaa »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?

Rujuv Wina *The previous name was scratched off, a poor attempt consisting only of a few lines cross the first given title* Rujaa.

(IC) What is your gender and race?

Mal *This time a simple 'F' and 'e' were obviously scribbled off to the left of the page's margin.* Troll.

(IC) What is your class in life? Why did you choose to follow this class?

Druid is what many refer to my kind as. There was no choosing, only understanding what abilities lay dormant within.

(IC) Who is sponsoring you? What are you bringing to The Grim to be sponsored?

Opalexyan is sponsoring me, though I have shed more Alliance blood with the Grim than she in past battles.

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?

Life. A husband, a child. Neither of whom walk Azeroth any longer. Retreating into the jungle. Finding a large group of fun loving and family oriented Horde, but discovering the blackness within me was no longer a match for their ranks.

(IC) What are your thoughts of the new direction the Horde has taken since the Cataclysm?

If we'd chopped off as many Alliance heads as forests then maybe we'd be getting somewhere. My allegiance will always be with the Horde. Yet Garrosh is all bark and no bite. Even he seems incapable of fully instigating a proper triumph. Reckless, but not reckless enough- or not in the proper way.

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification. ... jaa/simple

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?

Peace through annihilation! Bring me my endless peace.
Posts: 28

Re: Rujaa

Unread post by Rujaa »

((It's been over a week. Is this normal for alt invites or did I miss some part of the application?))
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Re: Rujaa

Unread post by Awatu »

((I saw you in Orgrimmar the other day and you were in a guild, so I didn't think anything of it.

Generally, I haven't gone out seeking alts so that they can be invited. I've waited until someone contacted me on an alt and told me so that I could invite them. Also, with the patch, I've been busy working on my UI and whatnot.

If you see myself or another Inquisitor online, just let us know and we'll take care of it.))
Posts: 28

Re: Rujaa

Unread post by Rujaa »

(( Oh XD I was in an RL friend's guild meanwhile for the perks. I'll keep /who The Grim and popping in on my other Grim characters. So far people are only on using remote access. There's an event at 8PM though! I'll try my luck then. ))
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Re: Rujaa

Unread post by Awatu »

Invited by the Enforcer.