Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

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Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Umojar »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?
      - Umojar Of The Low Red Moon, also Umojar Thunderfury

(IC) What is your gender and race?
      - Proud Orc Male
(IC) What is your class in life?  Why did you choose to follow this class?
      -I Am a Shaman Priest...Shaman for the simple minds, I come from a long line of shaman..its my way of life..I didnt decided to become a shaman i was born into it

(IC) How would you describe yourself?
      - I am one of the Few remaining survivors of the Low Red Moon Clan, I am Very Proud of that, I believe the Orcs Meed to return to our brute ways, we dont need the help of corpes and Elves, I dont trust corpes and the frilly girl men. Darkspear and Tauren you have my Axe!

(IC) How many "Honorable" Kills do the Battlemasters currently have recorded for you?
      - 35 Lives
(IC) What drives you in life?  How would the Grim benefit from having you among its ranks?
      - Im honning my skills, to rebuild my clan so that i may once again raise my clan's banner and all emenies fear it and allies feel relieved to see it. They teach me about the ways Grim..and Ill share bits and peices of lost shaman religion.

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
      - I was a hermit..horning my skills. immersing myself in the lost arts

(IC) What are your thoughts on the pact between the Alliance and the Warchief Thrall?
      - I dont have to agree with the Warchief views but I obey them, I think we should curse the pigs and move onto to other matters!
(OOC) The Grim is a role-playing guild that requires full immersion (heavy RP) of their members.  What does that mean to you?
      - people forget that this server is RP-pvp...and its hard to exist as rpers are outumbered but i do my best to stay immersed and rp when times are appropriate, been on rp realms since 2004, feathermoon first

(OOC)  The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild, ruled by structure and a defined chain of command with the intent to see the complete annihilation of their enemies.  How does your character's personality and storyline follow the Grim Mandate?  Is there any conflict between how you want to play your character and the theme of the Grim?  If so, what do you expect out of joining us?
      -  I follow Thrall, Cairne and Vol'jin's orders to the letter but i have a hard time following orders from the others as i dont trust them, but if the horde mission must get done i am there not matter what. Hopefully I can controll my bloodlust with the grim or atleast aim it, and learn to like the New Hordes NEw allies

(OOC) What sort of role-playing experience do you have, online or off-line?  Do you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
      -well i started rping in 2004 on feathermoon when wow first released, i have been getting better at it over the years still not as awesome as others but i try, as evidence by my letter.

(OOC) Do you have any previous WoW experience?  (PvP, Raiding, Battlegrounds, Different Servers, Different Guilds, Different Factions, etc.)
      - I know BG's as thats my primary pvp besides world, i tried arena i sucked so that demoralized me in that aspect. Most all my chars have been alliance but my fave char are orc go figure. This is my first fray into the ways of the horde so people have to bear with me as i catch up lore wise. this char came over at lvl 72 after sitting out over a year so i rp it as a having been away for the past years. I have Raided Naxx10/25 Uld, 10/25, TOC 10/25, and only two ICC 10 Bosses

(OOC) Is this character a server-transfer or has it been renamed recently?
      - Faction Change

(OOC)  What are you, the player, looking for in the Grim? What are your expectations of the guild?
      - I want a place i can log one for a few, have fun with my guildies not have to dread playing that day or week because of drama and such. ALso a way or advance my char just a little and help people advance they goals rp/pve/pvp
(OOC)  When joining the Grim, each new applicant will be matched up with someone to help them get into the swing of being Grim.  In order to coordinate this, we will need to have a fair approximation of your play schedule.  Please give a general outline below, OR if you wish to keep it private, send a PM to Lascivious.
      - After 6pm Eastern to 12 Midnight Weekdays and Anytime in the 24hrs on the Weekends
(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
      - ... r&n=Umojar

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
I am a father of 1 and married. They are both away so i get to play all i want for now, could change in a few months. Also because of the army's upredictability my schedule could change at any moment. Also I dont know much of the horde spend 5 years with allaince so im playing catch up and if i dont know where things are please work with me. One Of my ally guildmates who is in the guild pointed me here for the rp's so here i am. Ohh yea i might gender change...need more female orcs!
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Re: Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Greebo »

An Orc Shaman would be welcome. One who can follow orders and the fine details of the instruction more so.
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Re: Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Inzema »

He doesssn't think too highly of corpsssesss, and doesssn't read well, but what do you ekssspect from a hermit?
"If I can't eat it, ssscrew it, sssell it, or ussse it to blow sssomething up, then what ussse isss it?" ~Inzema
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Re: Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Syreenna »

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Re: Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Khorshah »

Missing a small but critical detail. Assuming it is found and corrected, meet me at Light's Hope Chapel on Sunday, January 17, at 8:30 by the goblin clock.

If you cannot make that time, contact me directly.

((By PM, please.))
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Re: Umojar Of the Low Red Moon(Pt 2!)

Unread post by Khorshah »

Didn't attend. Hasn't corrected his application. Closing this for now, though it could be reopened at a later date.
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.