Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

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Posts: 16

Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Dunbartric »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?
     - Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

(IC) What is your gender and race?
     - I am a male Forsaken. I know I'm still male because at least THAT hasn't fallen off...

(IC) What is your class in life?  Why did you choose to follow this class?
     - In life I was an...entrepreneur of sorts, happy to take any profitable opportunity to come my way. In undeath, I live the same way...just less happy. Those who don't fully understand the way of life I lead would call me a "rogue".

(IC) How would you describe yourself?
     - Some months ago, I awoke at Deathknell and realized that my nightmare of dying to the Scourge was true. I had memories of doing horrible things but not caring, and that it was not my will I was acting on but the Lich King's. (I have no memory of how I ended up at Deathknell.) But on this awakening, I found that the Lich King no longer had a hold on me. The entrepreneurial spirit has not left me and I always keep my eyes open for opportunities to rub two silver together. I eat and drink not out of need but out of habit. Maybe I'm trying to relive my former state. *shrug*

(IC) How many "Honorable" Kills do the Battlemasters currently have recorded for you?
     - As a human, I admit to killing when needed for my line of work but I have no recollection of the number. In fact, after my death I forgot many of my skills, and have been relearning. I would count my "honorable" kills at over 1400 and leave it at that...

(IC) What drives you in life?  How would the Grim benefit from having you among its ranks?
     - I don't feel much, but vengeance is one emotion I still cling to. The so-called Alliance could have done more against the Scourge. Uther could have stopped Arthas at Stratholme (where I died, ironically at Kirtonos Brothers' funeral home) rather than walking away. In my opinion, anyone allied with humans is a legitimate mark. The Grim would benefit from my talents in scouting and my growing skills at assassination.

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
     - I have been in Blood Moon Rising the past few months, prior to this I was in no guild.

(IC) What are your thoughts on the pact between the Alliance and the Warchief Thrall?
     - Is there a pact? Really? My sources have informed me that King Wrynn has declared war on the Horde. Any such "pact" in my opinion is a bad joke at this point.

(OOC) The Grim is a role-playing guild that requires full immersion (heavy RP) of their members.  What does that mean to you?
     - Speaking in character, avoiding leetspeak or IM speak. Having a defined backstory and being able to step in to the role.

(OOC)  The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild, ruled by structure and a defined chain of command with the intent to see the complete annihilation of their enemies.  How does your character's personality and storyline follow the Grim Mandate?  Is there any conflict between how you want to play your character and the theme of the Grim?  If so, what do you expect out of joining us?
     - Dunbartric doesn't feel much emotion. He definitely feels vengeance, but it is also controlled by opportunism. He has his own self-interests based primarily on acquiring money, which is a holdover of his former life before his death. He would follow the order to kill someone unless he saw an opportunity to benefit fiscally from letting them live. He does have his own breaking point, however, and would kill someone just for annoying him too much.

(OOC) What sort of role-playing experience do you have, online or off-line?  Do you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
     - I have played World of Warcraft for a few years and was first introduced to role playing here. I have been exposed to Dungeons and Dragons tabletop but don't care for it.

(OOC) Do you have any previous WoW experience?  (PvP, Raiding, Battlegrounds, Different Servers, Different Guilds, Different Factions, etc.)
     - I have characters on several servers, but I like Twisting Nether. I think I enjoy battlegrounds more than world pvp if I'm by myself. I'm also very interested in the lore on both sides, so I have played Horde and Alliance characters (I actually like quests!). When I get to 80, I would like to try out raiding as a rogue. I heard a lot of rogues went Death Knight, but I'm sure rogues still have their usefulness in raiding. I also like to play the auction house a bit.

(OOC) Is this character a server-transfer or has it been renamed recently?
     - Dunbartric is a freshly rolled character. And not likely to see a flying mount unless the auction house is kinder...

(OOC)  What are you, the player, looking for in the Grim? What are your expectations of the guild?
     - I like the idea of The Grim, as a constant threat to the Alliance, and expect to be able to kill any Alliance player I see without a problem. I'm not likely to kill a lowbie because there's not much challenge in it and they might have their main nearby...From the guild itself, you guys seem pretty friendly and knowledgeable, and seem like a nice group to hang with.

(OOC)  When joining the Grim, each new applicant will be matched up with someone to help them get into the swing of being Grim.  In order to coordinate this, we will need to have a fair approximation of your play schedule.  Please give a general outline below, OR if you wish to keep it private, send a PM to Lascivious.
     - Generally I can be online in the evenings after say 7 pm server time.

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
     - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... oon+Rising

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
     - ...For the Horde! Actually, I'm using Safari on a Mac, and when I hit Preview instead of Post it does a really weird thing on my screen. The application text is in the background and the application area where I type stuff is in front, very weird.

Peace through Annihilation. Eschew Obfuscation. And victory for Sylvanas.
Last edited by Dunbartric on Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Greebo »

Apparently this Esquire cannot read. Typical.
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
The p, s, l, and t are silent, the screams are not.
Posts: 16

Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Dunbartric »

What did I miss that I didn't do according to http://thegrim.org/index.php?option=com ... =14.0  ?
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Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Greebo »

(( If you read the instructions carefully, rather than simply copying and pasting the template you will see one detail you missed out on. I'd say that 75% of applications miss it. ))
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
The p, s, l, and t are silent, the screams are not.
Posts: 16

Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Dunbartric »

Found and corrected.
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Posts: 273

Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Khorshah »

Light's Hope Chapel. Sunday, January 17. 7:45 by the goblin clock.

If you cannot make that time, contact me directly.

((By PM, please.))
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.
Posts: 16

Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Dunbartric »

Thank you, I will be there.
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Re: Dunbartric Farrow, Esq.

Unread post by Khorshah »

Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.