Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

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Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Malkaris »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?
     - I am simply called... Narlokai.

(IC) What is your gender and race?
     - I am one of the ones you call, Tauren. And I am Male.

(IC) What is your class in life?  Why did you choose to follow this class?
     - I am what you call a druid... I mend flesh...and call down the wrath of the heavens.  I was born... and I showed an affinity for such things. Such is my path.

(IC) How would you describe yourself?
     - I've...not thought about this as my thoughts are preoccupied with other things...Important things such as the war. I've been called ponderous in times of peace. But...animalistic and single minded in battle.

(IC) How many "Honorable" Kills do the Battlemasters currently have recorded for you?
     - There is no honor in killing. But it is a necessary evil to do what must be done. I cannot speak for the Battlemasters, So I cannot say.

(IC) What drives you in life?  How would the Grim benefit from having you among its ranks?
     - I am driven by my desire to end this war. And so to do such, I must do my part in keeping our people alive. Such would be my duty within the Grim.

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
     - I am a member of the Blood Moon Rising.

(IC) What are your thoughts on the pact between the Alliance and the Warchief Thrall?
     - Such an idea is...idealistic, but the truth lay out on the battlefield, with the blood of our champions running along side theirs.

(OOC) The Grim is a role-playing guild that requires full immersion (heavy RP) of their members.  What does that mean to you?
     - incredible story potential and growth for the character, and hopefully those around it.

(OOC)  The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild, ruled by structure and a defined chain of command with the intent to see the complete annihilation of their enemies.  How does your character's personality and storyline follow the Grim Mandate?  Is there any conflict between how you want to play your character and the theme of the Grim?  If so, what do you expect out of joining us?
     - He really only cares about the war coming to an end, he doesn't actually care about the method so long as the world doesn't blow up, since as far as he's concerned, things can be made to regrow.

(OOC) What sort of role-playing experience do you have, online or off-line?  Do you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
     - Few years of D&D (NWN, for around..6 years?) and a few more in the Grim.  I'd say that i was maybe..intermediate.

(OOC) Do you have any previous WoW experience?  (PvP, Raiding, Battlegrounds, Different Servers, Different Guilds, Different Factions, etc.)
     - Yep, all of them in the Grim, with the exception of a few newer bosses.

(OOC) Is this character a server-transfer or has it been renamed recently?
     - he's been in blood moon for quite some time o.O

(OOC)  What are you, the player, looking for in the Grim? What are your expectations of the guild?
     - Samething I always did - Roleplay while i finish leveling him up, and maybe a little raiding added in.

(OOC)  When joining the Grim, each new applicant will be matched up with someone to help them get into the swing of being Grim.  In order to coordinate this, we will need to have a fair approximation of your play schedule.  Please give a general outline below, OR if you wish to keep it private, send a PM to Lascivious.
     - My schedule's pretty flexible at the moment, so long as it's not in the morning...or at noon for that matter though i can make noons if i have to hehe.

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
     - ... n=Narlokai

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
- Peace through Annihilation.
Last edited by Malkaris on Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Greebo »

Incomplete. Dissappointing - I would have thought the spirits would remind him of his glaring omission.
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Malkaris »

((Edit. Wow, I am a Noob. xD))
Last edited by Malkaris on Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Greebo »

(( bah! read the rules again noob ))
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
The p, s, l, and t are silent, the screams are not.
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by gurthoira »

((can we call him Nooblokai from now on :P))
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Malkaris »

~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~

Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Xondor »

Hmm. Is no elf, which good, but is no hunter, which bad. Xondor no understand why no hunter come. Why all hunter scared? Hunter hear story of Puppy and his gun of death and no want to play too? Why always tree or magics or stabby or shield... no hunter. Xondor dissapointed.... but still no elf. Xondor say okay.
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Khorshah »

Light's Hope Chapel. Sunday, January 17. 7:30 by the goblin clock.

If you cannot make that time, contact me directly.

((By PM, please.))
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.
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Re: Narlokai of the Bleeding Stone

Unread post by Khorshah »

Absent. Possibly not as committed as one could hope.
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.