
All puppets have a Puppet Master (( Player Applications for Applicants ))

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Unread post by Tarrus »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?

(IC) What is your gender and race?
      -A male Sin'dorei

(IC) What is your class in life?  Why did you choose to follow this class?
      -Demonic arts.  I practiced to become a mage for years, only to discover that it lacked the passion that other arts offered.

(IC) How would you describe yourself?
      -Self-driven.  Never one to act without thinking of every possible outcome beforehand.  I seldom drink to keep my mind open, and I've been known to exert my frustration through... excercise.  When I get angry, I become a cruel and unforgiving sadist, though I do my best to expel all thoughts of hostility before a battle.  Killing isn't personal, it's a job.  I avoid any conflict unless called upon or forced into one. 

(IC) How many "Honorable" Kills do the Battlemasters currently have recorded for you?
      -I've only begun to seek the Alliances' blood recently. ((Three days ago)) I've marked 595 kills down so far.

(IC) What drives you in life?  How would the Grim benefit from having you among its ranks?
      -I'm driven by the betterment of my people and improvement of myself.  I'm cunning, quick, and decisive, while remaining able to follow orders.  I seek the downfall to the Alliance, especially the humans, as much as any of the Grim do. 

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
      -I trained for years to become a magister with the mages of Dalaran, spending only two months of the year with my family in Eversong.  Certain events led me to forsake the arcane and vow to never use it again, in order to perfect my demonic prowess.

(IC) What are your thoughts on the pact between the Alliance and the Warchief Thrall?
      -Pact?  What pact do you speak of?  That fool, Varian, is working harder than ever to bring about his own downfall.  This pact is dissolving fast.  It won't be much longer before Thrall allows the Horde to unleash their true fury upon those arrogant fools.

(OOC) The Grim is a role-playing guild that requires full immersion (heavy RP) of their members.  What does that mean to you?
      -I must be active and attentive in the game.  When I speak to someone, I must do my best to make them feel immersed in the game.  if I must, I'll either use brackets or the OOC channels to speak with them, but I'll try my best to keep as many statements IC as I can.

(OOC)  The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild, ruled by structure and a defined chain of command with the intent to see the complete annihilation of their enemies.  How does your character's personality and storyline follow the Grim Mandate?  Is there any conflict between how you want to play your character and the theme of the Grim?  If so, what do you expect out of joining us?
      -Unlike my main, Tarrus, Dareus is an EXTREMELY firm believer in peace through annihilation.  As I've said earlier, he is extremely reclusive of his powers.  Espescially in cities: He will walk everywhere without a steed, wear humble clothing, and make it as apparent as possible that he has no real power.  Whatever he can to avoid confrontation.  When his power is needed however, he will more than act on it.  He will plot endlessly until he conjures the perfect plan for vengeance, all while under a calm manner.  It's just business.

(OOC) What sort of role-playing experience do you have, online or off-line?  Do you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
      -Played Warcraft 3 before WoW.  DobRP, SotDRP, you name it for about 6 years now.  I write stories to my characters, download the mods, and think about how to improve their stories when I'm away from the game.

(OOC) Do you have any previous WoW experience?  (PvP, Raiding, Battlegrounds, Different Servers, Different Guilds, Different Factions, etc.)
      -All of the above.  Ive gotten really into raiding, Ive been to all sorts of guilds, Ive been to PvE servers, PvP servers, and RP servers, and the first year or two of WoW were spent as Alliance.  I'm a renaissance man when it comes to this game.

(OOC) Is this character a server-transfer or has it been renamed recently?
      -He's been on this server longer than Tarrus, and he was born on this server.  It's only recently that I decided to continue leveling him.

(OOC)  What are you, the player, looking for in the Grim? What are your expectations of the guild?
      -Im looking for what I know we have now: A consistent source of RP, organized raids, and attacks on the Alliance.  When Cata hits, Dareus will likely be my focus in PvP.  I'd love to fight with you all for our returning nostalgic PvP titles.

(OOC)  When joining the Grim, each new applicant will be matched up with someone to help them get into the swing of being Grim.  In order to coordinate this, we will need to have a fair approximation of your play schedule.  Please give a general outline below, OR if you wish to keep it private, send a PM to Lascivious.
      -It's much too random, but from 6-10 on week days and... Whenever on weekends.  Sorry, I wish I could be more succinct but I can't.  At the risk of sounding arrogant, I already know the ropes of the guild.

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
      -http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... r&n=Dareus

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
      - Peace Through Annihilation.

Re: Dareus

Unread post by Xondor »

Elf... why elf... why no Orc. Xondor tired of elf and all elfing kind. Xondor want more orc, or troll, or dead thing, or big hairy thing... those Puppy like. Elf all girl, or look like girl. Xondor make that mistake once, no again. Puppy gnaw on skull for ears if join. Just know.
Posts: 385

Re: Dareus

Unread post by gurthoira »

Xondor wrote: Elf... why elf... why no Orc. Xondor tired of elf and all elfing kind. Xondor want more orc, or troll, or dead thing, or big hairy thing... those Puppy like. Elf all girl, or look like girl. Xondor make that mistake once, no again. Puppy gnaw on skull for ears if join. Just know.
hmm.. I will keep this In mind..
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Re: Dareus

Unread post by Tarrus »

Xondor wrote: Elf... why elf... why no Orc. Xondor tired of elf and all elfing kind. Xondor want more orc, or troll, or dead thing, or big hairy thing... those Puppy like. Elf all girl, or look like girl. Xondor make that mistake once, no again. Puppy gnaw on skull for ears if join. Just know.

I didn't choose what I would be born as.  I may have long ears, but on the bright side, I'll be alive far after you turn to dust... Er.. Hopefully.
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Re: Dareus

Unread post by Khorshah »

Light's Hope Chapel. Sunday, January 17. 8:00 by the goblin clock.

If you cannot make that time, contact me directly.

((By PM, please.))
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.
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Re: Dareus

Unread post by Tarrus »

Today is the day where our meeting is supposed to take place.  You said 8:00 but you didn't specify whether it's evening or morning.
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Re: Dareus

Unread post by Greebo »

Since we are well passed the first possibility, you had best hope he meant evening.

(( yeah. evening. always evening ))
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
The p, s, l, and t are silent, the screams are not.
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Re: Dareus

Unread post by Khorshah »

Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.