Grim Application For Koogler
How did you hear about The Grim? Do you know anyone in The Grim?
- I was searching through the Wyrmrest Accord forums and found your posting.
Tell us about your roleplaying experience. In WoW? Elsewhere? Do you consider yourself a heavy RPer? What does that mean to you?
- I started roleplaying in WoW back in Warlords of Draenor and I've kept up with it whenever I was playing WoW. I've always loved how RP keeps me interested in the game even when the game play might not be in the best place. I've never tried heavy RP (Guild chat being IC, always being IC when logged on, etc), but it's always been something I've wanted to try. The idea of constantly being in character, even in raids/dungeons, seems like a really fun time and a good opportunity to flex my creative muscles.
What is your history in World of Warcraft? Have you been part of any other guilds? If so, tell us about your experiences with them.
- I've been playing since late vanilla WoW, and I was always subbed up until mid-Cataclysm. After that point, I started playing a bit less frequently since I was getting a lot more busy (pesky real life getting in the way of my gaming!). I've been a part of many guilds in the past, and I've kept in touch with lots of people from those communities. I'm currently in a casual guild on my Alliance side character.
Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.
- This character is currently my main and the character I play the most, but it was the second character I leveled so my Heart of Azeroth is a bit behind. I play my Alliance side mage a bit, but I'm much more invested in my priest.
What are your expectations for your character after joining The Grim? What aspect of the game do you wish to focus on (raiding, mythic plus, organized PvP, achievements)?
- I'd love to get involved with you all for RP, PvP, and PvE. For PvE and PvP specifically, my main three draws are raiding, mythic plus, and arena. But with that in mind, there isn't much in WoW that I'm not interested in. I love world PvP, transmog runs, and just goofing around in general. As long as I'm playing with fun people that are easy to get along with, I'm having fun.
What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment?
- The last time I was deep into PvE was probably Wrath of the Lich King when I was doing Ulduar hardmodes with a past guild. Throughout the expansions, I've tried to keep up with relevant content, and I usually try to PUG the current heroic raids. I'm a fairly competitive person, so I've always been drawn towards the DPS or healer role in WoW, since I get to push my character to the limit trying to max out my numbers, and do well on my logs. Lately, I've been more into healing out of the two roles, since it's an absolute blast in smaller group content like arena and M+, where a ton of pressure is put on me as the primary healer.
What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment?
- My best arena experience on live is around the 2000 rating, and this season I definitely want to try to beat that personal best of mine. I haven't gotten super into arena since WotLK, but lately I've been having a ton of fun with it. I've hit 1800 this season on my disc priest playing 3v3 with random folks I've found in the LFG channel, but I'd like to find some folks to play with on a regular basis and push rating, so hopefully some people in the guild are as into arena as I am!
Provide an armory link to your character.
- ... rd/Koogler
What days/times do you typically play this character?
- I'm frequently on in the evenings and weekends. It's a bit rare for me to have a lot of free time during the day to play WoW, so I tend to binge game on my free nights.
Are you prepared to check these forums at least a few times a week? (It is The Grim's primary means of communication.)
- Absolutely, one of my favourite parts of being in an RP guild is snooping on people's back stories and events through the forums! I'll be sure to check the calendar routinely in between my lurking.
What race and class is this character? Why did you choose this race and class?
- My character is an Undead priest. I chose priest because I'm a huge fan of it's game play (Shadow can feel a bit lacking at the moment) because of how unique discipline and shadow are as specs. As for the undead side of things, it was the race that most interested me when I thought about roleplaying a Horde side character. I think they're in a very interesting place in WoW lore right now, so I'm excited to brainstorm ways my character can evolve over the course of this expansion.
Have you read the Mandate? Can your character live by it?
- I think it fits my character well. His desires seem to fall in line with The Grim's and he is pretty devoutly dedicated to the Horde. He knows when to play his part and he knows when he has to serve.
The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?
- I've never tried the evil side of thing on WoW, but I've played a fairly evil character with friends in Dungeons and Dragons. It'll be a bit new to me, but I have faith that I can fit into the character type well. I'm honestly super excited to try out a new concept like this.
Does your character's name fall within the guidelines listed at the beginning of this application? (Please note, if your name does not fall within our guidelines and you do not want to do a name change, you are more than welcome to apply under a different character.)
- I believe it's a name that works in a roleplaying setting. I usually use it as my characters last name (this character being named Zechariah Koogler IC), since I believe it works a bit better like that. If my name isn't something you're a fan of, I understand and I honestly wouldn't mind getting a name swap if you think it's absolutely necessary.
Do you have any questions or anything further to add?
- There aren't any questions that I can think of right now. So I'd just like to say I look forward to hearing from you soon. And sorry if I don't get to the Letter of Intent this evening, it's Halloween and trick or treaters are starting to show up, so I've got to handle that for a few hours. Thanks again for reading my app!
Moderator: Officers
Re: Koogler
"While our enemies remain, peace is not victory." ~Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner