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Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:47 am
by Nilheon
Grim Application For Nilheon Direfrost

How did you hear about The Grim? Do you know anyone in The Grim?

I've known the Grim through the sister/variant Grimm Echo via FFXIV. That's where I met Sindl Arahn, Haru Qwey, X'havir Vahl (Vashnir) and the like. We had some collaborations once upon a time with an RP alliance and at one point they were members of my guild on there as well.

It was through Vashnir though, that I got the full details and is the one that actually pointed me to this forum to get started.

Tell us about your roleplaying experience. In WoW? Elsewhere? Do you consider yourself a heavy RPer? What does that mean to you?

I've been Roleplaying for, I guess about 16 years now if I had to put a specific time to it. This has varied between pen-and-paper games such as DnD and various homebrews (which is how I got my start in RP), and then that kinda progressed some more through Final Fantasy XI beginning in 2003 when it launched. It was there where I joined my (now wife)'s guild and that's how I came into Roleplaying in an MMO setting. When WoW launched I settled into RP about when Burning Crusade launched, and in fact the very character that I'm applying with, is the character I started with back then, so he's been used like the dirty rag he is for a long time.

That being said I've jumped through many games, and have RP'd in about all of them that I've played. From Matrix Online (bonus points if you can even remember that one), Aion, Age of Conan, FFXIV, SWTOR, The Secret World, and maybe one or two more that I can't even remember, probably some Perfect World games.

What is your history in World of Warcraft? Have you been part of any other guilds? If so, tell us about your experiences with them.

Full disclosure, I've co-ran my guild through most of those games aforementioned with my wife, so we've only been in one, maybe two guilds tops in about 12-13 years and they were short-lived at that. One was a social/raiding guild and the leaders kinda jet for another guild in the middle of raiding at one point, so that was fun. The other was in Aion after a brief respite from leadership, with a group of RPers that, in the end, we had some irreconcilable differences with, and was also short lived. That was the only two times in my memory that we have put our guild on hold. We've simply transitioned games with it and the people that followed from then on out.

More full disclosure: Me and the wife have basically have just grown too busy to lead anymore as we have begun to travel -immensely- and are basically looking for a group of like-minded individuals to chill and hang with (who also happens to contain the friends we made from FFXIV). We've basically retired from heavy-RP, and are not sure how committed we can be to RP in general due to said traveling, though we love it and still hold that mindset with the people who do it.

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.
This is my main at least for the present. Though I do have a Mag'har warrior that I'm quickly falling in love with and he may just become my main at some point.

What are your expectations for your character after joining The Grim? What aspect of the game do you wish to focus on (raiding, mythic plus, organized PvP, achievements)?

Just like-minded individuals for the now, maybe some achievements and mythic runs. I've all but completely retired from raiding as I've lead raid teams in various games, PvP teams also in various games, the wife has lead big RP stories and arcs and I've done some short story RP of my own from time to time. The occasional raid or PvP would be fun though I think. Just with the schedule I am not able to commit like I used to, so I'm kinda just looking for a good place to, "be put out to pasture" as it were, lol.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment?

I've lead raids in WoW, specifically in the Burning Crusade and WotlK era. I quit in the middle of Cataclysm for several years as the game simply just got stale for me.

I enjoy tanking and DPSing, specifically Paladin, Warrior, Death Knight. I like the plate classes the most and have always been a melee kinda guy. I've tanked for most of my career in any game, though of the holy trinity I -highly- excel in tanking -and- DPS (I personally think my DPS is the stronger of the two, though I'm told different), but couldn't heal a scrape on the knee if I tried. So you never want me there.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment?

I'm kind of a PvP snob, I love PvP, always have, but a game has to have a very engaging PvP environment or its a quick turn-off for me. I've done arenas and the like in the past when they were new, but honestly I don't have -much- experience with them. However, in battlegrounds, that's a different story.

In the old days I've leveled entire characters via PvP, and even have a vanilla "Sergeant" rank on one of my characters through the old skool system. However since I've been back, I'm keenly aware I'm rusty with the changes to the classes and have to shake some of it off.

Provide an armory link to your character. ... rd/Nilheon

What days/times do you typically play this character?

Tue-Thur all day (my off days from work, but really every day, just on evenings when I'm working).

Are you prepared to check these forums at least a few times a week? (It is The Grim's primary means of communication.)


What race and class is this character? Why did you choose this race and class?
Blood Elf Death Knight.

Two reasons I chose this character.
1. I've always known the Blood Elf racial was broken as hell and rode that thing into PvP hell forever (that's how much I loved PvP)

2. It was a good transition as I killed him off as a Blood Elf paladin and had him returned as a Death Knight when wotlk released. When Burning Crusade came out, it was the first time the Horde could be paladins, and it was only via the Blood Elves that you could be one, so that's how I started him.

Have you read the Mandate? Can your character live by it?

I have and most assuredly can. It's a similar viewpoint to the Ebon Blade and even Sylvanas herself, which my character aligns with on both accounts (one for being dead, the other for sharing a racial kinship... as well as being dead). Also being dead and dealing with, "The Hunger" makes those choices fairly easy to accommodate.

The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?

I've had a villain character named Fillion Fenias that I've played for years. He was very enjoyable and was of the "Magnificent Bastard" trope (see: ... entBastard).

I used him as the main big bad in our FFXIV stories.

Does your character's name fall within the guidelines listed at the beginning of this application? (Please note, if your name does not fall within our guidelines and you do not want to do a name change, you are more than welcome to apply under a different character.)

To the best of my knowledge. It certainly sounded darkishly dainty.

Do you have any questions or anything further to add?

Just again to reaffirm, me and my wife are looking for a good ol' group of RPers to settle down and enjoy things with. The RP, conforming to the rules and mechanics of how the guild operates are fine. We've lead our guild for about 14 years and are just kinda hanging up our hats, at least for the foreseeable future, as I've grown far busier with work as my career has taken off. Our friend is within the guild and she has touted you folks as great people, so here I am, and my wife will shortly follow with a re-application as well (she has been on here for FFXIV story reasons before).

Thank you for your time in reading this.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:07 pm
by Qabian
I know you.

<- Darien as I assume Xhav has mentioned

The new blood elf racial is a whole lot of sad. I mean it gets use, but give me back my aoe silence damn it.

See you soon~

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:14 pm
by Nilheon
Oh nice!

Actually Xhav hasn't mentioned much in the way of who's who currently, and she said Armi's account would be fine but it's currently locked out. Is there a way her account can be unlocked or can I post her template on her behalf somehow?

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:16 pm
by Syreenna
I reactivated Armi's account, assuming "Armi" is actually her user name here.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:40 pm
by Nilheon

It should be, so I'll let her know.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 6:47 pm
by Qabian
We can also change her account name to match her character name, so she can just keep using that account.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:10 pm
by Nilheon
Her in-game name is Armi so it worked out.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:19 pm
by Nilheon
I do have a question, if we're not planning on "committing" to RP, do we still have to do the IC character interview? I say this because currently we just don't have any real stories to these characters at the moment (due to long time away) and was wanting to hang out with people that we knew (though we'd be totally respectful of people's RP). If we have to, it's fine, we'd just need more time to get that set up if that's the case. We just had a different understanding.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:36 pm
by Qabian
Yes. We do an IC interview for everyone. It's generally not long and involved, but it is a baseline expectation.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:40 pm
by Nilheon
Okay, that's fine. I can do mine easily enough. I'm moreso asking for Armi who's currently getting her template typed out and she'll need to wait before submitting her actual letter of intent.

Re: Nilheon Direfrost

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:10 am
by Qabian