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Oralech Cinderfall

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2018 5:53 am
by Oralech Cinderfall
Grim Application For Oralech

How did you hear about The Grim? Do you know anyone in The Grim?

I came upon this guild after Laeynna brought this site to my attention. We do a lot of RP outside of WoW, and she was rather surprised to hear that I didn't do so in game, especially since I log a considerable amount of time there. After checking out the site, I realized she had a point- this was a pretty good fit for me.

Tell us about your roleplaying experience. In WoW? Elsewhere? Do you consider yourself a heavy RPer? What does that mean to you?
While I have roleplayed quite a bit in my time, none of it actually took place on WoW until recently. I started a good decade ago with forum-based RP, and remained there until the relaunch of Final Fantasy XIV in 2013. At that point, I switched over to in game RP and stuck with it until today- although I would often take advantage of Discord for situations where player schedules simply don't match conveniently.

I suppose that makes me count as a heavy RPer. I've certainly invested enough time and thought into each character that I've made over the years to count as one, anyhow.

What is your history in World of Warcraft? Have you been part of any other guilds? If so, tell us about your experiences with them.
Admittedly, very little of my WoW time has been invested into RP. Until recently, my primary interest has been PvE content (with a smattering of battlegrounds in my earliest days). I started off in Burning Crusade and played in a guild made up of my friends from school, but that ultimately fell apart as we each grew up and went our separate ways.

That also marked the start of a long haitus from WoW for me. (During Mists of Pandaria) I found myself with little reason to play anymore, so I swapped to hardcore raiding and RP in Final Fantasy XIV- where many of my friends had migrated.

Laeynna, who RPs with me on FFXIV, convinced me to come back shortly before the BFA launch. She appealed to my inner lore junkie by telling me about what had happened since Pandaland, inspiring a massive lore binge and eventually bringing be back to the game. Since then, I've been experiencing the new expansion, and fleshing out Oralech as a character to give WoW RP a shot.

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.
After coming back to the game, I've decided to start fresh with Oralech.

What are your expectations for your character after joining The Grim? What aspect of the game do you wish to focus on (raiding, mythic plus, organized PvP, achievements)?
I mostly find myself hoping to enjoy a more casual raiding environment, along with world PvP- which I unexpectedly have come to seriously enjoy. Thanks to Laeynna, I also want to start sinking my teeth into RP here- especially since I love this game's lore so much.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment?
Throughout my time in WoW, I've always played as a tank. I've logged quite a bit of time into each of them, with the exception of demon hunter (thanks to my haitus), but I've always found myself gravitating towards protection warrior- even if Blizzard tends to mistreat it. (BFA prot warrior feels terrible at this point in time. They're weak after the GCD change, lack a niche and have absurdly low representation for a reason.)

With that said, when I find the motivation to put my beloved class to the side, I'll probably roll a DK and feel loads better for doing it.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment?
I've mostly done battlegrounds for PVP, and stayed away from the toxic hellhole that is arena- although admittedly, my interest in PvP over the years has been an on-and-off thing. I went arms warrior for it and enjoyed the absurd burst it has at its disposal. With world PvP being out and *very* enjoyable, I'm half-tempted to gear up my arms warrior once more- although I'm holding out until I see what changes come to tanks in

Provide an armory link to your character. ... rd/oralech

What days/times do you typically play this character?
My play schedule isn't exactly set- I mostly jump on whenever I feel like it or have a bit of time. As far as availability goes, weekends are ideal for me, and I show up at pretty much any time that I have a free moment to work on Oralech.

Are you prepared to check these forums at least a few times a week? (It is The Grim's primary means of communication.)
Sure. I'd hate to miss out.

What race and class is this character? Why did you choose this race and class?
Oralech is a blood elf warrior. I confess to choosing my race because of petty aesthetic reasons, but over time, I have come to appreciate the lore they have- especially with how well that Blizzard has managed implement the storylines that were present in Warcraft 3. (A game that has eaten no small amount of my time) Kael'thas was and still remains one of my favorite characters, even if I hate what they did to change him later on.

I opted for a warrior because I've always enjoyed the feel of a class. Every one of its hits feel weighty, and that always amplified the class fantasy tied into its design. The frantic feeling that old warrior used to have also just felt incredible- especially once you mastered the class. (Admittedly, BFA has killed that aspect of warrior. RIP)

Have you read the Mandate? Can your character live by it?
Absolutely. Even if Oralech didn't hold a grudge against humans for how they treated the blood elves under Kael'thas, he has a penchant for violence that makes him a perfect fit. He may not really care about the whole idea of peace through destruction, but he would be absolutely thrilled with the idea of a place where mayhem is not just tolerated, but also endorsed. It's effectively his best shot at a much-desired adrenaline rush.

The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?
Yes.In Final Fantasy XIV, I play a Lawful evil character that acts as a cold, cruel drug dealer and informant. Oralech definitely starts to go towards the chaotic side of things with his tendency to go berserk, mild sadism and adrenaline craving, but he's not an idiot. He knows that mad dog loners tend to get put down.

Does your character's name fall within the guidelines listed at the beginning of this application? (Please note, if your name does not fall within our guidelines and you do not want to do a name change, you are more than welcome to apply under a different character.)
Sure, especially since Sin'dorei first names are pretty much whatever has a decent blend of consonants and vowels for easier wordflow. It doesn't end in 'a' or 'is', but neither do *all* Blood elf names. As for his last name, it's Cinderfall, which follows their naming conventions. (I find it hilarious that the last name conventions are more strict than those for first names.)

Do you have any questions or anything further to add?
Just a word of thanks for Laeynna. It's always nice to broaden my RP horizons, and I figure that a world I'm as invested in as Azeroth would make for a great setting.

Re: Oralech Cinderfall

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:04 am
by Qabian