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Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:12 am
by Mylnith
Grim Application For Mylnith

How did you hear about The Grim? Do you know anyone in The Grim?

The WRA Discord. I posted I was looking for a dark themed guild and was promptly given an advert in a PM.

Tell us about your roleplaying experience. In WoW? Elsewhere? Do you consider yourself a heavy RPer? What does that mean to you?

I've roleplayed in WoW for many years during TBC/WOTLK era. I had switched to SWTOR, and then to FFXIV for some time and have come back to the game since then. A heavy roleplayer generally is a person who does not get out of character easily or if at all.

What is your history in World of Warcraft? Have you been part of any other guilds? If so, tell us about your experiences with them.

When I was younger, I was apart of a raiding guild during TBC and that was my total interest in the game. Near the end of the expansion, I was ready to move onto something else and got into roleplaying. None of the guilds I was apart of seem to be around anymore. I have come back briefly at times, but nothing longterm due to disinterest in the content. BFA has given me that renewed interest.

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.

I intend on keeping Mylnith as my main. I do have an alt Lisoni and eventually a Void Elf once that rep grind ends.

What are your expectations for your character after joining The Grim? What aspect of the game do you wish to focus on (raiding, mythic plus, organized PvP, achievements)?

I'm not really interested in PVP all that much, but PVE would be fun. Especially if RP is involved in that PVE.I've done a few mythics in Legion, but BFA is still all new to me. Currently, my item level is very low, but I plan on changing that soon.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment?

I used to be a raider in TBC/WOTLK, and in FFXIV I was generally doing savages. I'm not the greatest, but I like to paint myself as average. I can attempt to tank, but I prefer to DPS.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment?

Lots and lots of battlegrounds but, not arena all that much. I used to heal, but WoW has changed a great deal since then.

Provide an armory link to your character.


What days/times do you typically play this character?

6 PM EST to 12 PM M-F
All day on weekends.

(This is subject to change, a lot. I do work IT and I'm generally always considered to be on call all the time. It's the nature of my work. Once every 5 weeks, I do perform maintenance which requires an abundant of hours. I may not be available during those times, and even if I am I may be pulled away for work at any time for an undetermined amount of time. It generally lasts about a week.)

Are you prepared to check these forums at least a few times a week? (It is The Grim's primary means of communication.)


What race and class is this character? Why did you choose this race and class?

Blood Elf Demon Hunter. I play this class because I've always enjoyed the Demon Hunter and the Burning Legion theme. It is probably my favorite archetype of character in the game. I play Blood Elf because of the lore/class restriction.

Have you read the Mandate? Can your character live by it?


The Grim is considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?

In SWTOR, I played a fairly lawful evil Sith who was loyal to her Empire. It's not one I play often, but one I enjoy. It's an enjoyable idea because it allows the bad guys to be honorable and not be a wacky irrational supervillain.

Does your character's name fall within the guidelines listed at the beginning of this application? (Please note, if your name does not fall within our guidelines and you do not want to do a name change, you are more than welcome to apply under a different character.)

Mylnith was created with the name generator and I believe it to be an acceptable one in the lore. Her last name, Blacksky, is a self-given one after her joining the Illidari.

Do you have any questions or anything further to add?

I do not.

Re: Mylnith

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 3:43 am
by Qabian