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Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:34 pm
by Somdot
Grim Application For Somdot

How did you hear about The Grim?
I was searching and looking at guild profiles. I read yours and went online and did a search for you. I ended up speaking to some one named Lilliana. She directed me to the website to learn more about the guild and fill out an application if it was something that looked good 

Do you know anyone in The Grim?
I do not

The forums are The Grim’s primary method of communication. Will you check them regularly (at least a few times a week)?
-I can absolutely stay involved in the forums

Tell us about your roleplaying experience. In WoW? Elsewhere? Do you consider yourself a heavy RPer? What does that mean to you?
TBH, I have never really RP’d. I’ve done it in my mind,, but never in game. I have been playing wow on and off for over 10 years, and for Legion, I rolled on a RP server to change it up. After reading some of your guilds RP profiles, I am all jacked up. I’ve had a blast putting together this chars back story. That being said, I wouldn’t say I’m hardcore yet, but I’m pumped to start an RP adventure

The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild. Do you have any experience playing a character of this alignment or a character archetype that believes in structure with evil intent?

Yes. What you guys are all about is what I have been looking for since Legion. Let’s crush some alliance!

Have you been part of any other guilds in World of Warcraft? If so, who were they and what server do or did they reside on? Let us know of your experience with them and what made you decide to either leave or continue to stay.

I raided with a guild called Rebirth on Bronzebeard for BC and Cata. We had horde first fill of magtheridon and grull when they first came out. I was rollin a priest and was one of the core raiders. I ended up leaving the guild and making major changes in life as my wife got pregnant with twins. After the girls were born, she was immediately pregnant with our 3rd. Needless to say, its been busy for a bit. Now things have calmed down and the girls are in school. I am ready to re engage with a grp of people that want to progress in game and crush some alliance on the way :D

Are you applying on an alt (non-main) character? If so, what are you looking for here that you are not getting from your main character? If you are feeling honest or adventurous, please let us know who your main is.

Somdot(855 MW/WW Monk) is my main. I have a ton of chars at 100, and have a 109 warlock and 110 shammy at 849

What race and class is this character? Why did you choose this race and class?

Panderan Monk. I chose this because I think panderan are the most fitting for the class. I am playing a monk because of my intrigue with the class. I had left wow for Mop and most of WoD, and coming back and their being a new class that I knew nothing about made it very different. I liked that it is a hybrid as my intentions for legion were to roll a melee dps. I wanted to change it up from playing ranged heals/dps in the past. I lvled and did most everything as WW, and just recently tried out MW, and I’m freaking hooked. Such an outstanding healing class. I fell back into the healer trap :P

What are your expectations for your character after joining The Grim? What aspect of the game do you wish to focus on (raids, rated battlegrounds, arenas, challenge modes, achievements, etc.)?

My expectations are to have a grp of people online that want to team up and accomplish in game progression. In both PvP and PvE scenarios. I would love to do some RBGs mythics, BGs, arena and raids.

What is your PvE (player-versus-environment) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a raid environment? Do you have any PvE experience from other MMO games?

My PvE exp in wow was mostly BC and Cata. I did MC a few times in vanilla, but was focusing on trying to get HWL before BC hit. Unfortunately, I only got to legionnaire. Either way, I can learn fights and be a contributing member to progression. I will be prepared.

What is your PvP (player-versus-player) experience in World of Warcraft? What classes and roles do you enjoy the most in a PvP environment? Do you have any PvP experience in other MMO games?

My PvP was in Vanilla and I got to Legionnaire, and I have a 1750 2s achievement on my priest. I played with my disc priest and an arms war. I excel in BGs and environments with more players than few, but my goal is to progress and get better as I get into Somdot.

Did you read and understand our guidelines on character names, listed at the beginning of this application? (Please note, if your name does not fall within our guidelines and you do not want to do a name change, you are more than welcome to apply under a different character.)


How is your computer performance when playing World of Warcraft? What is your FPS/load times during heavy graphical or high population times? Is your internet connection stable?

I just invested in my first gaming cpu, and I’m rockin 4k 1080p with 98 fps and 51 latency. Graphics on ultra baby! 

Provide an armory link to your character. ... dot/simple

What days/times do you typically play this character?

After 7:30 central time, and just about every weekend during the day, and more committed at night after my kids go to bed

Have you read the Required Reading? Do you have any questions or concerns about anything there?

Have you read the Mandate? Do you have any questions or concerns about it? Can your character live by it?
Yes, no, yes

Do you have anything further to add?

I'm pumped to hear from you guys.

Re: Somdot

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:02 pm
by Lilliana
Hi Somdot! Glad to see you made it here! Don't forget to do an in character letter of intent!

Re: Somdot

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:44 am
by Ulrezaj
My expectations are to have a grp of people online that want to team up and accomplish in game progression. In both PvP and PvE scenarios. I would love to do some RBGs mythics, BGs, arena and raids. (emphasis added)
Welcome to the Grim!

Re: Somdot

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:58 am
by Khorvis
Glad to see the application. Make sure you show up for Monday's Inquisition, or Ruuki will have Gretchna sit on you.

Re: Somdot

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:45 pm
by Neevah
Khorvis wrote:Glad to see the application. Make sure you show up for Monday's Inquisition, or Ruuki will have Gretchna sit on you.
Don't traumatize him.... yet.