
All puppets have a Puppet Master (( Player Applications for Applicants ))

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Unread post by Niknab »

(IC) What name or title do you go by?
      -"Ya can call me Nik... It shorta an' easia ta member."

(IC) What is your gender and race?
      -"Can't ya tell by da tusks? I all troll, all male."

(IC) What is your class in life?  Why did you choose to follow this class?
      -"I be da rogue, I guess dey calls it... Was trained as it when I be a kid... Wha' 'is name? Grimsoul, er somet'in'... Long time 'go... But 'e trained me!"

(IC) How would you describe yourself?
      -"I be a troll... I been called silly an' not so smart by most... An' I kinda 'gree wit' dems on dat! But somehow, I get t'ings done... "

(IC) How many "Honorable" Kills do the Battlemasters currently have recorded for you?
      - Looks up for a moment, using his fingers to count, muttering to himself behind his mask. He giggles a bit, then nods. "23918. Er at least dats what dey told me last time."

(IC) What drives you in life?  How would the Grim benefit from having you among its ranks?
      -"I like ta kill... A'ways liked ta kill... Got a lil bit o' a Bloodlust... An' me last clan didn' really 'elp wit' dat at all... I t'ink dat dis place would ratha use me Bloodlust den da last ones."

(IC) What did you do prior to The Grim?
      -"I was a Shadahunta fer annuda Clan. But t'ings got really weird, an' e'ryone was fightin' each odda, an' I just kinda... Left dem since I didn' t'ink dey trusted me no mo'e 'nyway."

(IC) What are your thoughts on the pact between the Alliance and the Warchief Thrall?
      -Niknab spits, forgetting he has a mask over his face. He groans, but ignores it. "Jus' pretend dat dis spit on da floor... Dats wha' I t'ink o' it."

(OOC) The Grim is a role-playing guild that requires full immersion (heavy RP) of their members.  What does that mean to you?
      -Being Incharacter most of the time? At least having it about 80% of the time when people are communicating. Maybe not for big time raids, or just a bit of grinding, but at least for some heroics every now and then, and obviously in PVP, since PVP is much more fun with RP.

(OOC)  The Grim are considered a Lawful Evil guild, ruled by structure and a defined chain of command with the intent to see the complete annihilation of their enemies.  How does your character's personality and storyline follow the Grim Mandate?  Is there any conflict between how you want to play your character and the theme of the Grim?  If so, what do you expect out of joining us?
      -Before, I probably wouldn't have been up to this. I've always made Nik as much as a goody twoshoes as a troll can really get, using his lack of communication skills to fix problems... But thanks to previous storylines in my old realm, I have found that Nik will now have many trust issues [that he doesn't normally have] and that I can use his crazy bloodlust much more. And plus, he's always liked killing.

(OOC) What sort of role-playing experience do you have, online or off-line?  Do you consider yourself a beginner or Gary Gygax?
      -I'm no Gary Gygax... But I think myself as pretty good... Maybe being a bit modest... Always got compliments on how I was "THE GREATEST TROLL RPER OF ALL TIME! WOOOO!" -waves his hands around- But I never thought that. I'm alright. XD

(OOC) Do you have any previous WoW experience?  (PvP, Raiding, Battlegrounds, Different Servers, Different Guilds, Different Factions, etc.)
      -Yes yes. I may not have been the best at PVE, and I was never invited to many raids, but I know how to play my class.
I'm good at PVP, or I was... A little rusty now.
I was really only in one realm... And I stayed Horde side for the most part.

(OOC) Is this character a server-transfer or has it been renamed recently?
      -Server transfer. Originally from Ravenholdt.

(OOC)  What are you, the player, looking for in the Grim? What are your expectations of the guild?
      -I'm looking for a nice place that I can RP, raid, and PVP without someone looming over me with a giant stick, expecting me to do 50 things on WoW when I got to go to my parents for dinner.

(OOC)  When joining the Grim, each new applicant will be matched up with someone to help them get into the swing of being Grim.  In order to coordinate this, we will need to have a fair approximation of your play schedule.  Please give a general outline below, OR if you wish to keep it private, send a PM to Lascivious.
      -Well, my online time has always been random. But right now, I'd say I'm mostly online at all days. Usually, I'm online around 2pm to 3am, logging on and off between them.

(OOC) Please provide an armory link to your character for verification.
      - ... r&n=Niknab

(IC/OOC) Do you have anything further to add?
"Hrm... Do ya t'ink I could... Maybe... Do ya gots somet'in' ta eat? I could use a nice gnome 'bout nao."
He lazily stands up, giving a trollish salute and bowing his head. "Peace t'rough 'nnilation."
Last edited by Niknab on Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Niknab

Unread post by Khorshah »

Light's Hope Chapel. Sunday, January 17. 8:15 by the goblin clock.

If you cannot make that time, contact me directly.

((By PM, please.))
Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.
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Posts: 273

Re: Niknab

Unread post by Khorshah »

Basic principle: Stay alive! When you die, your DPS is zero.