Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

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Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Abric »

We had a thread for this on the old board, so instead of C&Ping I am adding this one here.  Coyotl is sure to put the link to the full album soon, then add mine to it.

Why did it take me so long?  Because... I forgot I took some on the digital camera.  The disposable camera during the rafting trip got ruined.  RUINED!

Coyotl at Syreena's.  She isn't sleeping, she's faking it

Here's Grogkor at Syreena's

Here's Grogkor again, at the site. 

Here's Coyotl at the site

Here is Anaie at the site

Here is Malstrom and Grolish at the site.  They are old

Here is Kharzak and I at the site.  We could be drunk, I don't remember

Here is Kharzak, when Me, Grogkor, Coyotl, and Syreena arrived

Here is Syreena at the site. Looking smoking hot!

Here is Thalevia at the site
Last edited by Guest on Thu Oct 02, 2008 7:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Esrythalon »

Abric, you're a noob.  You started using people's real names with their pics, so I editted it.  :P

And here's a link to the albums (including last year's):

Grim Camping, 2008

Grim Camping, 2007

Is it time to start preparing for next years?  I think it is!
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Amaurn »

NO NAMES DAMNIT!!! Otherwise the thought police will know where we hid the magic bunnies!

Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Esrythalon »

LOL  It was mostly cus he randomly started calling one person by their real name.  Had it been me, I honestly wouldn't have cared, considering he calls me just about everything under the sun on TS, including my actual name.  Heh.

Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Tirralys »

I wish I could have made it this year...I hope by next year I'll be able to come again.  This time, with 100% more sunscreen!

Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Qabian »

Coyotl wrote: LOL  It was mostly cus he randomly started calling one person by their real name.  Had it been me, I honestly wouldn't have cared, considering he calls me just about everything under the sun on TS, including my actual name.  Heh.
Anaie freaked me out yesterday when he mentioned Kia was going to insist on calling Qabian DW.  He meant Dreadweaver, but those are my real initials, so for a second there was some definite backing-away-slowly going on.

You'll never catch me at a camping trip anyway.  Out of doors?  What?
Last edited by Qabian on Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Acherontia »

Last edited by Acherontia on Wed Sep 16, 2020 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Grainger »

My real name is banned anyway. As most people seem to have history with people of the same name and they were all bastards.

Hmmm, nothing new there then.

I think everyone used Grainger all the time. Last year Pincus and his better half were the exception as I've known Pincus in real life for years.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Thalevia »

Qabian wrote:
Coyotl wrote: LOL  It was mostly cus he randomly started calling one person by their real name.  Had it been me, I honestly wouldn't have cared, considering he calls me just about everything under the sun on TS, including my actual name.  Heh.
Anaie freaked me out yesterday when he mentioned Kia was going to insist on calling Qabian DW.  He meant Dreadweaver, but those are my real initials, so for a second there was some definite backing-away-slowly going on.

You'll never catch me at a camping trip anyway.  Out of doors?  What?
DW....Qabian is Darkwing Duck!
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Greebo »

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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Sammuel »

grainger looks like silent bob in this pic.

maybe next year I'll actually make it up there.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Anaie »

Qabian wrote:
Coyotl wrote: LOL  It was mostly cus he randomly started calling one person by their real name.  Had it been me, I honestly wouldn't have cared, considering he calls me just about everything under the sun on TS, including my actual name.  Heh.
Anaie freaked me out yesterday when he mentioned Kia was going to insist on calling Qabian DW.  He meant Dreadweaver, but those are my real initials, so for a second there was some definite backing-away-slowly going on.

You'll never catch me at a camping trip anyway.  Out of doors?  What?
LOL I wondered why you were so shocked!

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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Yichimet »

I think I know Q's real name? But only 'cause you used to email me WWS logs, hah.

One of these years I'll make it, swear to God. It's a crime with how close I live that I haven't yet.
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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Grolish »

Yichimet wrote: One of these years I'll make it, swear to God. It's a crime with how close I live that I haven't yet.


Your sentence is to attend next summer's camping trip, convict.

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Re: Grim Camping Trip Photos (2008)

Unread post by Mohan »

And I'm sure Yichi will drag me along too!
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