World of Darkness MMO

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World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Kharzak »

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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

.. There literally are NO words for how excited I am if this happens. This has been #1 on my wish lists for MMOs. This is the game that my main character was created for. If this happens and it really takes off, I'll be moving her back to that game.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Krinathalasa »

If it is anything like the old Vampire the Masquerade games it might be enjoyable. Might.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Guduk »

Yah, I hope this happens too and screw the new ruled system, keep it to the old system
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

The only part I don't like about this is the possibility that other players can 'perma-kill' your character. This sounds like nothing but drama waiting to happen.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Guduk »

Ahh, but that's the trick to it, if someone starts going drama queen, you make a new character, start spreading that so and so is a drama bitch and believe me, you can kill him right back. It's about making friends in this game, if your an asshole in the game, you damn well have the backing for it.

Yes, You are going to be hurt you lost your good character you have put a lot into, but that's world of darkness and if it did not happen to you in the Table Top, you did not play the game in its full extent.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Krinathalasa »

Fuck that shit. I am not going to invest months of time and effort into a character only to get perma-killed cause some douchbag was pissed at me and ganged up with his cronies. I dealt with that shit in AOL land. We see douchebaggery all the time in PvP. If they go this route in the MMO then it will never take off. Free to play in a month.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

I agree with Krin. I can see your point Guduk, and it would be cool if the game was played in the way that it's meant. But I can see too much potential for drama-mongering, butt hurt and cliques ruining the whole thing. Pretty quickly you'll have one group that'll lock the whole game down and make it impossible for pretty much anyone else.

Hopefully either the developers will revise that part, or see the disaster early on and fix it sooner than later.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Abric »

Aureliya wrote: Pretty quickly you'll have one group that'll lock the whole game down and make it impossible for pretty much anyone else.

Hopefully either the developers will revise that part, or see the disaster early on and fix it sooner than later.
Incorrect, my fine lady!

WoD will be a sandbox MMO, which is going to allow it to truly be what table-top folks expect from it. If they didn't make it a sandbox, then it would fail. Seeing as CCP is doing it (the guys who make EVE), the content and material is going to be outstanding... as many things can be said of EVE - but "bad story and design" is not one of them.

It will be impossible for one group to control the game, because EVERYONE can be killed and controlled. In essence, if you are the big fish on the table ... people will either want to be the big fish - or just want your damn table. While there is a chance for one group to stir up the mix - EVE has shown that no one person or persons can control the rest. EVE has an active subscription of around 300,000 (and change) - and dozens upon dozens of corporations (guilds) that control the land outside of the predetermined NPC-owned territory. A lot interact, but even more don't ... and I'm sure WoD would be the same.
krinanoobsauce wrote:Fuck that shit. I am not going to invest months of time and effort into a character only to get perma-killed cause some douchbag was pissed at me and ganged up with his cronies. I dealt with that shit in AOL land. We see douchebaggery all the time in PvP. If they go this route in the MMO then it will never take off. Free to play in a month.
Don't piss off people with more power than you, Krin... that's what it comes down to. I doubt this will be like AOL - just to the simple fact that the people who used to do that shit did it because nothing COULD be done to them. The conversation becomes a hell of a lot different when you have just as much to lose as the person you are harassing.

The only fear you should have in games like this is getting in the way of the bigger fish - as a game like this should be. Either join up with the power to benefit from that power... or gain your own power to show you have a better way.

Could be a great few hours on a weekend!
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

Well I'm excited enough for this that I'm nothing but hopeful and optimistic. On the surface it seems like a terrible idea that is meant to work well in theory.. but in actuality struck me as being nothing but a framework for all the worst elements of ever pug and trade chat troll to ruin the game for everyone else.

BUT, I've never played Eve or anything like what you describe, so I have high hopes that you're right. Obviously I'd be playing Nika there and since she's not the one to be interested in making plays for power- she doesn't have a lot to worry about in terms of getting mixed up with the big dogs..

Providing she makes better choices than she did this time around.* >.<

Edit: Oh! As an aside.. saw one of my friends log on MSN that I played V:TM with back around 2008, before I came to WoW. IM'd him to chat about this new MMO and during the course of the conversation, I found out he and a few others are playing WoW, now. So got him on RID now.. very happy about reuniting with some old acquaintances through this. :)

*Memo to self: Stay the hell out of Abric's way this time.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Krinathalasa »

Sorry but my experience in situations like this is that people are douchebags whether they have power, money or not. Nothing to stop dickwads from squashing newbies. No fun.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Anaie »

There could be a NPC system worked in Krin with Justicars and such... so that if you PVP and kill someone in City limits and the Prince did not sanction it, you run the risk of the Justicar finding out, and getting a Blood Hunt called on you. That would be simple enough, considering the Bounty system for pvp that I used to have way back in the day on a MUD.

I think the main group of folks playing this will be V:tM fans, and won't stand for a Tenj. Sure he will get a few folks, and be labeled a murdering psycho, but eventually, he will jump the wrong person, or 5 others will jump him. And then he gets to start all over.

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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Greebo »

My understanding is that only Blood Hunt kills will be final death which isn't a ganking sort of situation.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Therean »

Wow, that sounds really cool.

I think the permadeath thing will work well for WoD. If it was like WoW, it would feel wrong. WoD is not about rolling around kicking shit in the face, getting killed, respawning and kicking more shit in the face. It is like being a fish, carefully prowling the reefs looking for smaller fishes to eat, all the while keeping a watchful eye out for the sharks. You are supposed to be afraid, you are supposed to feel vulnerable, no vampire does well without the support of either the Sabat or the Camarilla factions. People take shelter in organisations like these. That is what puts the emphasis on politics.

Two things would make permadeath like this tolerable, even fun. Firstly, Level cap can't be like WoW, and take weeks, even months to properly level and gear a top grade character. In WoW Terms, it should take about as much work as to level a toon to 60, and get them a justice or honor set. Two weeks max. What makes the difference between a 2 week old character and a 2 year old one? Wealth, gear, and influence. Maybe even gear that is only available to 'elder' vampires, like elite conquest gear, but unlocked with age to help preserve and reward long standing characters.

The second thing would be a fun and engaging escape system. You've all played Assassin's creed- the tragedy of that game is that it has made this mechanic and world which is just fun to parkour through, fleeing becomes a fun game element you can do well- then they made combat OP so you never had to flee. A blood hunt on your head could be a lot of fun, if fleeing is made fun.

Oh another thing, make blood hunt targets somehow valuable to a Prince's rivals.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Tekk »

For those interested here is the official trailer for the upcoming game:

Here is some in game footage, not near done yet but close: ... ure=relmfu

Oh and CCP is doing the character creation models: ... re=related
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