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AFK and the fate of Tsavong

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:29 am
by Zelaine
Firstly...I will be walking around nude beaches in the carribian from the 14th to the 22nd with my family and my roomate.

Which brings me to my second point. My I am giving my Warlock Tsavong to my roomate to play. So it will no longer be me on. Ill get it out of BMR and the grim channels. He is interested in joining the grim with it So expect an app soon.

And that leads to my questions. When he applies should it be here or the old site and secondly the lock is like 41 so does it have to be 40 or 50 to join cuz it is still on my account but it isnt me playing it. And dont worry he isnt a huge noob we had a lock main back when i was on my NE drood and he pwned

Re: AFK and the fate of Tsavong

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:03 pm
by Abric
Old site, for now.

And if he disenchants all of Zelaine's shit - then I'm going to have to beat him.  Not because I'm defensive ... but because I don't want the pleasure of beating you with a stick to fix your spec and DOOM blasts taken away from me.

Happy nuding!