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Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 7:15 pm
by Yrzuli
Holy fuck. The introductory questline, all the way through to getting your artifact weapon, are a bitch on some classes. There is no character copy, so it's basic characters with green 680 gear.

Warrior - piece of cake, from what I recall.

Demon Hunter - not bad. I died a few times before figuring out a few quirks to the DH.

Shaman - couldn't have been bad, because I don't recall it at all.

Paladin - ditto.

Mage - good god almighty, I died more on the mage than anywhere else. I think I died more on the mage than we did in raid on Tuesday. I was getting insanely frustrated. I got through it all, but I dread the idea of doing it again come launch.

Druid - ugh. I test-dummied both feral and boomkin. I felt comfortable with either one, but feral was clearly showing higher DPS, so I figured I'd open with that and switch to boomkin when I picked the artifact. Oh I died; diiiiiieed. And then one point was seeming impossible. I finally found a hint and basically was spamming Entangling Roots between Solar Wraths. And making sure that it was 100% single target, while hiding in a corner, so I didn't pull anything else. Same level mobs! Not even boss mobs! Just level 100s. I was almost more frustrated here than on the mage. EDIT: Finished up the chain for the artifact. Entangling Roots is the way to go, just weaving it on in.

Priest - Apparently I'd already picked disc and had completed Broken Shore. But color me disappointed. Artifact chain is identical similar to the mage one. But as disc, I'll do it in no time and without deaths. EDIT: Not identical, but disappointingly similar. I've corrected that. And yes, did it with no deaths. But as a "healer" I shouldn't have expected any issues. I did get frustrated in the middle of it and quit the game for awhile, but that was 100% due to a bug.

Monk - Went windwalker, because I didn't want to do a third tank, plus fist weapons! Minor issues in the scenario, but again due to low party sizes. Li Li is a badass, I'm glad they have her in the arc. And as with normal for me... Flying Serpent Kick is bad. It's been removed from my bar. /facepalm

Next up:

Rogue -

Haven't done yet:

Warlock -
Hunter -
Death Knight -

Thoughts: I'm going to have the best gear possible even on my little baby alts. Because running the Broken Shore scenario with less than max people is a bitch (every one I've done after the first few days generally has 2-4 people; it should have 10). Or maybe I'll say fuck it and run the baby alts first when I know everyone's going to be pushing through also.

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 8:07 pm
by Valindria
If that's how those quests are going to be, I would agree that guild zerg rushes might be best. There's other benefits to that approach, such as reinforcing team cohesion while growing accustomed to the class changes. I'm particularly interested in getting the heal team up to speed ahead of raiding if possible.

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 9:18 pm
by Yrzuli
The scenario in a group would be good, yes. But I don't think we could get 10 people to agree to start at the same time if our lives depended on it! It's more a thought of, "Considering rushing your alts through in the first week."

The artifact chain is all solo-scenario type events. So no luck in help there.

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:26 pm
by Greebo
How far along in the levelling thing is this scenario? Right at the start?

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 10:33 pm
by Tenrilaux
I think a thing here might be that like... all the beta people are given 680 gear, which I assume most people have shit way way higher than that. And it's tuned a bit too high for what we get.

But yeah, that's my primary source of unenjoyment, is that I get my ass handed to me a lot.

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 1:19 am
by Yrzuli
(I'm assuming we'll get a quest to go to Org) > talk to someone out front > prep for invasion > scenario.

Return to Org > 2, maybe 3 more quests > go to Dalaran > start on your weapon.

And yeah, I'm sure a vast majority of it is the gear expectations. The premades are geared in 680, which is fairly easy to get in WoD (though I just checked my gnome priest and she's only 640... yikes).

Re: Broken Shore+ experiences

Posted: Fri May 27, 2016 2:46 am
by Greebo
Your fresh 100 starts in 640s - One imagines that there is going to be a tuning pass on the scenario.