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New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:15 pm
by Aureilya

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:37 pm
by Riplie
Really.. so they really did take the most from us for an expansion and give us the least amount of content. Twitter integration and minor tweaks to a garrison wasn't a update...
I really might be done.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:42 pm
by Aureilya
I'm curious to see how much actual content will be in this next 'expansion'. I've heard that Blizzard wants to start releasing expansions faster. To me that reads, 'Let's release content patches as 'expansions' and charge $60 for them'.

I better see new continents and NEW classes/races in this expansion!

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:07 am
by Anaie
I rather like WoD thus far...

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:20 am
by Greebo
It has been ... ok ... pondering the specifics I realize that its been more me than WoD in terms of liking it, but the same price of expansion for less content isn't too cool.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 12:28 am
by Aureilya
In my opinion, WoD was worth it because of the interesting things like Garrisons, ships, some of the other content for casual players like that. But I expect to see some major changes in the new expansion in terms of things like the garrisons, or new races/classes. If it's just new quests/levels/raids, then no.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 3:10 pm
by Greebo
As a raider I'd say that it's been kinda lacking in raiding. I would be shocked if there weren't new levels, those are a given. Garrisons have been so core to this (as opposed to farms) that I would expect something similar. A new class seems due, if we allow for 4 data points as sufficient evidence (WotLK Yes, Cata No, MoP Yes, WoD No). Maybe a new race too - but I'd imagine it would be another Choose Your Own Faction if they did, or if it was a new race each then I'd say no new class.

I haven't seen anybody coalescing around any of the supposed leaks in any convincing manner.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:53 pm
by Gazreeth
From what I have read, there will be 8 new zones, Azshara and Zul'jin will be a big deal, Zul takes over the Zandalari, and allies with the naga to for some south park professor chaos scheme to raise the ocean levels and flood everyone out. No new races, but a new class Dark Ranger, which will have 2 dps specs, and 1 heal spec, so if you though MM hunters were BS just give them some spells and the ability to heal. BS! lol WoD started out great, but no new classes or race did kind of suck, and no new BG. Ashran is more of a zone than a BG kind of like a non stop wintergrasp, but I think that was done better since winning/losing actually made a difference. WoD has left a lot of questions imo, granged i haven't completed the last raid, but it seems like the Iron horde were wiped out too quickly, there won't be any left? Reminds me of Return of the Jedi, just because some teddy bears joined the fight and blew up the death star that doesn't mean the war is over. Oh also back on topic, Vol'jin will supposedly be a man protagonist, he will be tempted to break off the trolls and join zul'jin, but we all know it won't happen because nothing that epic will ever happen in wow. All of this is just rumors but it sounded pretty good, guess we will find out in a couple of days, but for me, if it is another kill the trolls expansion, I will probably be done. I have been fighting trolls since vanilla, and trolls are still around. Would be nice to have a "Kill all the humans" expansion. Like the stormwind King goes insane and we have to liberate the alliance from his tyranny... Oh wait, they did that already, just with the horde...

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:13 pm
by Greebo
Where did you read that? I've seen competing offers of "leaked" info. Two main competitors are the Azshara one and the Guardian of Tirisfal one (most strongly supported by some chinese blogger who apparently also leaked details of WoD and/or MoP).

Also, after some consideration, I've decided I liked the quest progression in WoD more than anywhere else, and I also think it has the most consistently well drawn zones. Even the dry and austere Spires has a delicious colour palette.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:22 pm
by Gazreeth ... n-details/

As with any "leak" there is obvious debate about a lot.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 11:28 pm
by Greebo
This, which includes stuff omitted from that link ... nterested/
sounds like a lot of jibber-jabber
and also seems to pull from (Fake concept expansion needs name)

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:51 am
by Greebo
We're probably in for improved void storage/transmog: blue tweets, via mmo

is there any plan to fix player inventory? Bank & VS = full. Can't quest anymore cause no where to put rewards.It's game breaking
Parden my ignorance, but what all are you keeping? I usually do a purge once per expac of old stuff. (Muffinus)
10 years of tier sets & holiday rewards pvp gear. X mog weapons. Why would I purge stuff Ive invested countless hours acquiring?
Sounds like a lot of wearable items! Hopefully we can address this soon. (Muffinus)

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:18 am
by Yrzuli
They've talked about trying to do a D3 style transmog system before. Where once you've acquired the piece, you can get rid of it but it'll be logged in the t-mog system for you.

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:43 pm
by Yrzuli

Who else is switching to retadin?

Re: New Expansion Announcement 8/6

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:48 pm
by Aureilya
So, the new expansion is about corrupted warlocks?

