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Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 6:41 am
by Ryanica
Thalevia wrote: It's not really that black and white though Ryanica. Some people really don't have another option, walmart is the only game in town both for employment (without a degree and sometimes with a degree) and grocery/clothing. It's sad but true. When you have a business that refuses to buy from wholesalers unless they specifically lower their prices for them and them alone, other competing businesses just cannot match that.

Finding another job isn't that easy. I'm in a place that didn't go into recession and it still took me 9 months to find a job. I was at the point of hiking to the nearest walmart and applying. Because no one else was willing to hire me.

I dislike walmart but there are still a few things I pick up there because the alternatives are way way higher priced and I make less than 20grand a year. When I have the money, I prefer to buy my toothpaste and shampoo at Shoppers, when I am shit ass broke, I hike to walmart and pay 3 bucks less.
Of course not everything is black and white, or simple; there's always going to be different factors playing into effect, whether you are black, white, male, female, degree, no degree, small town, big town etc. But you are making a choice to make your dollar go further by spending it at Wal-Mart. You are willing to work at Wal-Mart because it is a job (as would a lot of people).

And as far as Wal-Mart comes in and drives out other small businesses, how is that different than Chase or Citi buying out a local bank or setting up shop in a local community? You can set up an account with a credit union if you don't want to deal with big banks.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 3:46 pm
by Malstrom
Consider that Walmart can have a great influence on the US economy with its policies. ... tion_x.htm

Consider that because they have the lowest prices, they actually increase profits during an economic downturn. ... g-downturn

So isn't it in their best interest to keep the economy struggling?

Ya, ya...conspiracy theory. If I had said the same thing a few years ago about the housing market and investment groups, you would have thought the same thing.


Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 8:46 pm
by Abric
Wal-Mart is probably the last boss in Secret World. You are just trying to prepare yourself, Malstrom!

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 9:16 pm
by Malstrom
Abric wrote:Wal-Mart is probably the last boss in Secret World. You are just trying to prepare yourself, Malstrom!
That would be awesome. You find out Walmart is really run by Cthulhu...

That would be a satisfying ending to me.


Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 10:46 pm
by Greebo
There is an imbalance of power between labour and employers. The trite saying "get another job" is, in many cases, not an option, especially if the employee has dependants, especially in an economy with many more job searchers than jobs.
I present this post, part of a series from Crooked Timber and Bleeding Heart Libertarians: ... workplace/

I would also submit that in common usage the word propaganda implies degrees of untruth. Certainly that image does not present a full and complete review of the full breadth and history of the operations of the Walmart corporation and its officers. In a limited space it was designed to emphasize two things
a) Walmart is large and powerful
b) Walmart is part of the problem of the massive growing imbalance in wealth in the US.
Both of those are true. I firmly believe that you can draw a direct link between the amount of money amassed by the Walton family and the comparative lack of wealth of the vast majority of their employees.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 1:18 am
by Guduk
I do wonder about that first stat..

for every 2 jobs created by a Walmart, 2.8 jobs are lost somewhere else...
how do you calculate that?
why would a company do that? one would imagine that if more people had jobs, more money would be spent buying things.. so why make a company which decreases job opportunity?

America is just messed up, not Walmart.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:06 am
by Krinathalasa
Oh Guduk you are so innocent. So innocent and pure. Untouched by capitalism. It is cute.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 6:07 am
by Viktor
Guduk wrote:I do wonder about that first stat..

for every 2 jobs created by a Walmart, 2.8 jobs are lost somewhere else...
how do you calculate that?
why would a company do that? one would imagine that if more people had jobs, more money would be spent buying things.. so why make a company which decreases job opportunity?

America is just messed up, not Walmart.
You don't calculate that Guduk it is made up numbers based on some dude going out and looking for his perfect situation then making a statistical analysis of it and throwing it out there as the "truth". The idea being that because Wal Mart moved in XYZ local businesses went out of business. It is pure propaganda and can not be proven.

More to the point I will flat out tell you in the area I grew up this did happen. Wal Mart came in and alot of places shut down. We probably did lose more jobs than were created. HOWEVER... the places that went out of business after Wal Mart showed up were already on their last legs and losing money. Wal Mart just sped up the process, but also created new jobs which prevented the fallout from being as bad as it could have been.

In the end though the place I grew up in has become so economically crappy that even Wal Mart themselves shuttered their location and rebuilt in a different town nearby a few years ago. They did have the decency to let everyone who was willing to keep their jobs though and even created some new ones by making a bigger facility this time.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:11 pm
by Greebo
Viktor - you do realize that " It is pure propaganda and can not be proven." and "I will flat out tell you in the area I grew up this did happen" are contradictory don't you?

It most certainly can be analyzed and if it can't be proven (create an alternate earth at exactly the moment in time that walmart announced their intention to build in are Y, run that earth forward for 5 years, count employment) you could simply count Jobs in County Before and Jobs in County After.

Re: The High Cost of Walmart

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 2:33 am
by Viktor
Greebo wrote:Viktor - you do realize that " It is pure propaganda and can not be proven." and "I will flat out tell you in the area I grew up this did happen" are contradictory don't you?

It most certainly can be analyzed and if it can't be proven (create an alternate earth at exactly the moment in time that walmart announced their intention to build in are Y, run that earth forward for 5 years, count employment) you could simply count Jobs in County Before and Jobs in County After.
No it isn't contradictory at all. My point is it happened, but not because Wal-Mart moved in. All Wal-Mart did was make the businesses that were already in serious financial danger go out of business faster. They would have gone under with or without Wal-Mart by that point. Bear in mind in my post I go on to say my area is so depressed even Wal-Mart had to move out.

You can do that job analysis that's true, but it doesn't prove anything. The job market is not determined by the presence or lack thereof of Wal-Mart. Any number of factors could swing it either way. For example lets say there was a large highway construction project going on when Wal-Mart moved in. That project has nothing to do with Wal-Mart and would been totally unaffected by it. Five years later though those jobs may either no longer exist or have moved to a different area, again having nothing to do with Wal-Mart. So there is a perceived job loss but it is due to a timing coincidence.