World of Darkness MMO

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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

These character models give me high hopes that the ones in WOD will be just as good, or at least comparable. I've seen the trailer you linked and noticed a lot of character 'stills', but without seeing them actually in game and animated, it's hard to tell if its just concept art or if it'll be closer to the finished product.

I love the landscape, though.. those gritty, urban streets are the setting I love.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Brass »

It makes me happy that CCP is still working on this even after the big layoff it had. I was afraid the whole thing got axed.

Still, I wonder how they'll implement a huge variety of things - from Malkavian pranking (a particular interest of mine, as it is so integral to their nature) to Nosferatu deformity enforcement (You just know someone playing a Nossie is going to slide the sliders to be as pretty as possible - the game should randomize that crap), as well as methods of getting creative.

Getting real creative was a staple of the tabletop, creativity does ultimately get limited in games due to mechanics. Especially in terms of character concept - something that EVE Online is really really unimaginative on.

I tried to make an avatar in EVE Online that even barely looked like it had a sense of humor. Demented, violent humor, but humor none-the-less. A nihilistic space pirate with a second-hand capsule - resulting in a clone memory playback that recalled every single death before. He was not a happy, sane individual, and certainly shouldn't have looked like it. All I could do was try to make his features lopsided - I couldn't even make the bastard smile, let alone give him one of those grins that make you cross the street and head for the car faster.

EVE models all just look like future barbie dolls. If they try to enforce 'gritty realism' by restricting character appearances too tightly it'll be real disappointing. I'm concerned that it'll just be 'goth barbie' dolls, instead. Especially for a flamboyant, reality busting Malkie looking to express in appearance just a bit of what's going on inside. Gary Larsen put it best:


It pays to advertise. That's what the Toreador say, anyway. That's why they all dress like sluts.

There are many of my former characters that'll be very hard to do if they are too restrictive with the character customization. I don't want to have to just use my boring old first-timer Ventrue neonate, which is what EVE customization reminds me of.

I will, however, enjoy the horde of twilight molded fans that is expected to swarm it without any clue of what they're getting into. The blood pool is looking fine, y'all! Come in for a dip and bring your straw!

Also, for all you fine gentlepersons, if you are curious as to what a Malkavian is, you might check out The Bible(bable!) of Malkav can be found there.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Anaie »

Man there used to be a text file called "The Fruitty Gore-met" and it was a malkavian cooking tv show being shown to a Prince from Public Access TV... hysterical, and I can't find my copy...

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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Brass »

I can easily picture that. Princes are the best! None more deserving of being taken down a peg with a popup book. Well... except maybe a stuffy Tremere. They look so hard for the message and pattern, but never want it when they get it.

Ahhhh... all those times painting summerian text graffiti along with ominous pictures of black hands on the outer walls of the local chantry that translate to "Be sure to Drink your Ovaltine!" over and over. Memories!
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Greebo »

Which version is that, Tekk?
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Tekk »

Greebo wrote:Which version is that, Tekk?
Its the revised second edition. Its still Vampire the Masquerade and not Requiem, but its second edition.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Brass »

Not Requiem. Never Requiem. No sir... I don't like it.

Also, have more books - all of them in fact - I just forgot I didn't have some like the Toreador book on my computer at the moment. I have all of them in a huge CD Binder to sort through. I bet at least someone is going to want that one (Toreador's are your pretty vampires, after all), so I'll have it over to Tekk sometime soon to upload - that is, whenever I find it.

Tekk's right - these are the 2nd Edition Revises. I do have the older ones though if you want 'em, but they're also in the aforementioned CD Binder.

Personally, I prefer having both the 1st Edition Malkavian Clanbook and the 2nd Edition Malkavian Clanbook on hand; it's like seeing two sides of the same concept. Many clanbooks are the same way, but it's really noticable in this one. On one hand, with the 1st edition you get the perspective on their crazy-go-happy-maniac, pranking and playfulness. In the 2nd edition its focused more on the other, cold clinical insanity side of things. The "serious-er, 'I'm a person-with-a-very-sick-problem, um-kay?' side of Malking. It's my box of frosted mini-wheats. My sugar frosted side says pull their pants over their head and spraypaint eyes on the crotch because why not? My wheaty side says dive, dive, DIVE - or break, break, BREAK - there's a point and I'm a messed up former-person.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Krinathalasa »

The remakes killed the whole World of Darkness mythos. Mage in particular became a craptastic pile of..crap.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Kharzak »

image moved to be with the other two
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

With as much interest as there seems to be on these forums, I kind of wish we could do some kind of online campaign.. even if its just on the forums, or something. There is a website I used to play on (chatroom/forum RP) over at .. but unfortunately the game is kind of dead there right now. Most of them are playing Werewolf and Changeling, the vampire game only has a few players left.

Does anyone else know of an alternative, or would anyone be interested in doing some kind of forum RP campaign?
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Abric »

There is a reason we have a table-top channel in Mumble; people did it in the past.

Make a different post about it, chica - and see if you can find interest. You have some, though your biggest challenge(s) will be finding a GM/Storyteller who is willing to put in the effort and 4-6 people who will be able to dedicate an evening of their week on a consistent basis.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Aureilya »

I have trouble imagining a tabletop game over the Internet, using mumble. Hard to wrap my head around that one! I pictured something more forum based than doing it over voice chat, which would also make things easier on people's schedules. I'll wait and see what Brass or Tekk think, as well as others.. Then maybe do a post tonight about it.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Brass »

Well, at the moment, I have the time, resources, and experience to do some Storytelling - but it might cut into some other responsibilities of mine. Particularly when Diablo 3 comes out, as I'm planning to use D3 to finance my WoW account, so I'll be playing that a bunch. Also - if I finally find a job, that'll take a huge bite out of everything.

But otherwise, yeah - I'd absolutely love to do a Vampire game, or at the least, be part of one. I miss it a lot, and I'm stoked that so many people in the Grim are taking so much interest in it. We've got so many creative people who'd make this awesome.

Getting together a really good Vampire game can be very time consuming to set up but once it gets going it isn't too difficult to keep up if people really care enough. Especially when people start noticing how it works and getting curious about testing their own ST-muscles.

To help with that, I had an old game setup in Cincinnati based on the idea of a mostly-caitiff or otherwise orphaned 'Night School' program led by the local Anarch Baron in the interests of having some muscle to take care of the many shady dealings going on around town. It's simple enough (at first... always at first) and could make a good start for a chronicle for us. I still have plenty of the write ups and story arcs for it that I could easily modify for our group, especially with input from others.

Nightschool's primary theme is the horror of the unknown and the thrill of discovery. The night is so much bigger than any mortal, or even kindred, can possibly imagine - when you look into the dark, you never know what could be looking back. Just as dark are the politics surrounding the city, especially as the Anarch characters have to contend with the two other, much bigger, sects starting to make their own grabs for power - and why they've chosen to start doing this now of all times. For a modern city, it used to be so quiet... well, at least as far as licks go. It's always had its share of bumps in the night.

Plus, there's a refreshing emphasis on just surviving. Nightschool had a nifty system where we met once a week, and before starting the game part, checking to see what the characters did over the week (Had a random shit that could happen list) which could also give the group something to do. Maybe xx person botched a feed and got noticed? The group might have to go play coverup duty. Maybe xx person noticed something really odd one night or barely escaped to tell the tale. New plot to follow! Sometimes, random tiny bits of xp could be involved - especially if a player couldn't turn up (Story for why that happened?). That way, other characters wouldn't outpace them and everything would just make sense.

The only thing I'm not very experienced with is doing all this over the internet (though I have some nifty ideas how to make this interesting). I've never been big on chat rooms, really - don't use social media like Facebook - and don't have any familiarity with any programs the Grim might've used for Tabletop. Someone to help with those nuts and bolts would make storytelling much easier - not that I'm disinclined to learn.

Also, thanks to that comic above, I swear I'm going to have to work a Hawaiian shirt in somewhere. Someone send that to CCP. That's BRILLIANT! Also, spiking the syrup at an IHOP with vitae would be a real easy way to get the local money to warm up to you. Makey friends! If not IHOP, then at least I could control Dennys.
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Re: World of Darkness MMO

Unread post by Anaie »

It is pretty sweet. Coupled with Google Hangout, makes for a decent system.

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