Re: Heya!

Public Out of Character Board.
Posts: 265
Location: Florida

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

Canai -
No. I took malk out because it was a personal decision. I have a Druid that i'm going to level and hopefully help out with raiding whenever I can.
As I said, I enjoy the Grim waaay to much not to try and help out *somehow*. Even if I took malk out.
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Abric »


It sucks for us ... but sometimes you got to make decisions for yourself.  Maybe your time didn't match up with ours... maybe we didn't need a fourth or five warlock... maybe you wanted to see content we're unable to reach... or maybe you just felt it was the right decision and you have to spread your wings.  Regardless, you made your decision and we all have to live with it.

As it always is with people who leave (in any form), we are going to blast you.  It's just the way we as a guild have grown... be it from the characters we play or just the sort of people we are.  Nobody feels good when a friend and teammate who we've invested so much time in decides to leave us for another.  But, that's the way it is ... though you are still going to be here in another form, which is good.  Expect to be poked in the eye, though. 

... quitter!  BAM!  Poke in the eye, son! Take it!
~Death is sweeter on the pommel's end
Posts: 1368

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Yichimet »

I guess it's the thought that counts, but, given that FL raid M-Th 6:30-whenever, your new raid times will always conflict with ours. That and we have never had a person leave the guild for another opportunity and make good on their promise to "help out" with their non-main.

I hope you find less frustration in your new situation.
Posts: 265
Location: Florida

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

Which is unfortunate Yichi O.o
I'll find a way. I love raiding with you guys >_<. Whether it be by healing, or running heroics with you guys for badges, or something on the weekends, i'll do my best to be there.

And i fully expect to be poked in the eye Abric  ;D
I can take it!  8) (though, i may cry later on in a manly fashion.)
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
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