Re: Heya!

Public Out of Character Board.
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Unread post by Malkaris »

Wasn't sure where to put this, but i'm sure it'll end up where ever it needs to go hehe
There's no *bad* reason i've taken Malk out of the Grim. I'm not unhappy, i'm not upset or anything weird like that. i will still hold Rethsil gently and laugh at his baby dps.
To put it simply though, an opportunity to do something i've wanted to do for a while has popped up and I took it on Malk. But I have full intentions on bugging you guys on my druid, DK and or Rogue. Whichever, all Three are in BMR anyhow.

I'm still here so don't go and do something weird like... deactivate this name thingy!
If by chance there are questions... just ask :P

To reiterate, I myself am not leaving o.o, just managed to missplace my warlock :D
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
Posts: 737

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Regnanetah »

What loot did you take this time malk? :)
"Neither do I like jumping foot, because it encourages the habit of jumping, and a jumpy spirit.  However much you jump, there is no real justification for it; so jumping is bad."  [i]Go Rin No Sho[/i] (Book of Five Rings), Miyamato Musashi (1584-1645), translated by Victor Harris.
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

Twas another hood Reg! bwaha!  ;D
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
Posts: 364

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Muatah »

So which Raiding Guild did you transfer to?
"Only in the tales that humans tell do hunters kill the wolves in the end."
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

First Legion. have to admit. it's a little weird fighting Saurfang. I fear his cleave. T_T
Will still be doing plenty of RP though!
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
Posts: 364

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Muatah »

"Only in the tales that humans tell do hunters kill the wolves in the end."
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Amaurn »

Malk.... you are random and hilarious. Choosing First Legion though!?! Expect some ass kicking on that one matey.

AND you became a big fat human?! ... n=Malkaris

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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

;D. I mean it was either them or try and apply to aftermath. Would rather switch Malk over to alliance from what i hear about Aftermath =\.  Inter-guild madness doesn't interest me on an OOC level though.. so, FL...some other rival guild...*shrug* so long as they're good players and the rivalry extends only through RP xD. And malk wasn't going to be caught dead masquerading as a Gnome, thats for damn sure O.O not with every member in the grim wanting to eat gnomes like finger food! xD
Was kinda surprised how badass humans look in horde gear. Then they gave me that kel'thuzad stuff. I think i cried on the inside a little.
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
Posts: 364

Re: Heya!

Unread post by Muatah »

Malkaris wrote: ;D. I mean it was either them or try and apply to aftermath.
Yay for more people jumping ship when our Raiding efforts are struggling as it is.

...oh but wait, we still get the sloppy seconds RP. Gee.
"Only in the tales that humans tell do hunters kill the wolves in the end."
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Khorshah »

I'll admit, I'd have been happier with a post saying 'guys, I'm unhappy with our raid progress, so I've decided to jump ship' than a happy cheery 'I've had a great opportunity!' post. That said, good luck and all the best.
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Malkaris »

Not jumping ship Mu. Still here. Just not with Malk. I'm leveling my druid to add to the healer ranks.
I had a long thing all typed up but the forums logged me out heh
Suffice to say -

Yes Khorshah. I was very unhappy with how our raiding was going but the last thing I wanted to do was add more negativity to how our raiding was going since, i think we'd be rocking all of the instances, hard mode or not if people would actually show up.
Sure, RL issues get in the way and whatnot, so not much you can do, but as it is for the others that just don't.. I would say more of your anger be pointed at them than myself, because then regardless of whether or not I show up with Malk, You'd still have people.  Which is still somewhat the case as far as DPS goes - as we tend to dismiss a few DPSers as it is. 

Yes I was unhappy with the fact that we don't seem to be as tenacious as we were in BC with the content. We try a few times and if we wipe for a bit, people start to complain and want to stop.  Didn't do that with those so called, "Guild-breaking" bosses, Kael'thas and Vashj.

And more to the point, we were never really going for some safety net of being *over* geared and always downed them with gear that was slightly *under*geared, at worst, or juuuust enough to get us by. But we always did it :P

Would like to point out that i've been a *very* dedicated raider since Karazhan came out, and never missed a raid till my mother passed, soo don't act like i'm some newbie who took a look at our raiding situation and said, "Fuck this =\" because that is not the case.  I've been unhappy for a while in that regard, so I took the chance to rectify that so i wouldn't throw my monitor out the window, or at a passing pedestrian.

The core of my frustration though is that I *KNOW* we can do all of this stuff if we just dedicated our time to killing the bosses that give us issues, taking the time to actually set up and figure out what we're going to do on the boss without being rushed because we're low on time after spending half an hour to an hour in VoA., and once we do, doing it again instead of wasting time flying around trying to go to VoA for stuff the majority of our raiders don't really need (especially since triumph badges are so easy to come by), instead of complaining and calling it a night.  Hell, Puppy team is a testament to that fact. They didn't have the gear per say but they sure as hell got their shit handled.

So yeah. The cheery thing was not to rock the boat, or seem ungreatful or seem like i was leaving as a player, and not just move my character. I'm not leaving as a player, but I was sufficiently unhappy enough (that is to say very unhappy) to try something out with Malk, so please, don't disrespect me like acting like I took Malkaris out on a fucking whim, Mu.
~Malkaris, The Antediluvian~
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Greebo »

I moved this back here because it is both

a) not necessarily public
b) guild related
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Greebo »

And we need more RP.

Malkaris - the rivalry within FL is not strictly RP related, it can be quite vicious. I do hope for your raiding happiness that you end up being friendly with Lisbet, Heid, and Orin.
Grisbault, Twice-Made.
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Canaie »

So you're trying to help our raiding by removing your raiding character to level a druid?
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Re: Heya!

Unread post by Syreenna »

Greebo wrote: I moved this back here because it is both

a) not necessarily public
b) guild related
And since Malkaris is no longer a guild member, he no longer has access to this board, which is why I moved it, as we do with all members who leave, so they can continue to see their goodbye discussion.
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