What keeps you playing?

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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Cristok »

Competition keeps me playing. Before WoW I was an avid Maden Fan. I always liked video games and was playing D&D with my Dad at 6 yrs old, so when MMO's started coming out and PvP combined my love of competition and my love of fantasy then it was all over. I play to compete.
[quote="Greebo"]/em hugs C'tok so he knows he always has a place on the raid team of my heart.[/quote]
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Canaie »

At least %90 of what I do in WoW is still lots of fun, even after all these years.  Of course it's the people that I do it with that make even more fun.
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Araun »

I have a bizarre addiction to making little green bars move to the right.  I always have to be doing that in some sense or another - whether literally healing people, or questing for XP, or grinding rep, or skilling up, or getting gear or... you get the idea.  Perhaps it's my German ancestry.  "Ve hast made an elf!  It shall be ze uberelf, unt all ze verld shall fear it.  Good.  Unt now, ve build anozer!  EINE, ZWEI! EINE, ZWEI!"

Then I hit the level cap, prep the character for raiding ... and get bored and move on to the next alt.  I'm pretty sure by the time the next expansion (Revenge of Ursula Azshara) hits I will have twelve 80s in blues and scattered purples, and then be completely lost to you when I program them into The Sims 3 and spend all day finding various ways to drown Kelven in the pool.

Anyway, to answer the question more directly: I like to do stuff.  I like to come home from work and enter a pleasant fantasy world where my work is instantly rewarded. 

I'd probably have grown terribly bored of it if it weren't for the guild, though.  I mean, can you imagine sticking with this game if all you had was PuGs? *shudder* No, thank you.
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Greebo »

Oh yeah, the guild too. Raiding, doing things *as a team*, listening to chatter in wardens/guild/ooc.  It's all fun.  There is no "keep" in my WoW.
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Amaurn »

Been thinking about this one lately myself,

Have to put it mainly down to people I have go to know in the game. Also making green bars go right! And achievements! I tend to be the one with the collection of the random and silly stuff.

There is usually so much to do that I can only really stand to do it on Amaurn, problem is it becomes exponentially more of a pain in the ass and you then stand around in Dalaran and throw e-peanuts at people!
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Muatah »

I play because even after all this time I still think it's a cool game. A game that has more things to learn about playing it than I ever realistically will. A game with obstacles built into it that I find attempting to overcome, interesting. I would still like to be good enough at PvP to be on a high-ranked team(I'm not yet). I still would like to "push" PvE content. That is what I find most fun. "Sitting around" in this game watching the characters do their at rest emotes and waiting 3-4-5 minutes between sentences of a story that I have heard 5 times before(or its little brother, or its bastard cousin), is boring. Watching people make this game 10 times more complicated than it needs to be because they "want to RP it out," is frustrating. I'm slowly but surely coming around to the point-of-view that Warcraft isn't a good Roleplay vehicle. Or maybe I've just played it too long. Does this mean it's come to the point that I don't belong here anymore? Maybe.

People can say what they want about Roleplaying or the lack of it, but the fact of the matter is that unless a person finds the actual gameplay enjoyable, they won't stick around for long.

As for PvE content being "pointless," well...of course it is. Most Hobbies are pointless if you look at them from a certain angle. *shrug*
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by lascivious »

I had a seven-month vacation.
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Kiaransalius »

lascivious wrote: I had a seven-month vacation.
That was a vacation? We should talk...

I am an optimist because I want to change things for the better and I know that blood has to be spilled and disharmony and cruelty are necessary to do that. - Henry Rollins
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Bloodscream »

I'm old, jaded and tired.
Been playing these games since EQ.
Been playing Warcraft since launch.

Only thing that keeps me playing Wow is you idiots.
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Re: What keeps you playing?

Unread post by Gex »

a few things for me.

great guild members. lots of great raids, pvp, doing things we know we going to die doin but its still fun if you like the people you are doing it with. gotta love charging into ironforge with 2 fists and the alliance think...."what the hell?"

Also, it is a very needed break from reality.
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