I am Stromgarde.

The stories and lives of the Grim. ((Roleplaying Stories and In Character Interactions))

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I am Stromgarde.

Post by Kuros »

"Why do I do this? The Horde was my enemy. My foe. The opponent I traded blood with on the battlefield."
"I remembered almost nothing about my past. That is until we spilled Arathi blood all over their pathetic refuge. Then it all started to come back to me. Me. A loyal member of Stromgarde's lethal Trollslayers."

"And the very reason why I hate them."

"Danath took our forces from Stromgarde to close the Dark Portal. Left our home nearly defenseless, what with all the damage wrought from the war. I stayed home to protect our homeland, and for what? We all died to the hands of pathetic thieves and bloated ogres. My homeland a smear on the map of its old glory."

"The Alliance no longer bears the right to carry the name of Stromgarde. This day, I take that name for my own!"
"These sullen members of the Syndicate, THESE humans are the reason my homeland was destroyed? Pathetic!"
"Now that I've shown how useless the humans were to quell a thieving band of their own kin, I will turn my attention to these bastard ogres..."
"As I suspected, they fall all the same."
"Now that I've proven how pathetic these 'Humans of Stromgarde' truly are, I will turn my final attention to what hapless remnants remain..."
"I will show no mercy."
"I have one goal in mind today."
"The Trollbane bloodline ends here."
"The taste of victory is sweet."

"And with my final victory over what is left of Alliance Stromgarde, I will take from them the one last thing they hold dear. Trol'kalar."

"It is mine. And with Trol'kalar in my possession, there will be no acquisition and restoration of the sword. There will be no replacement created. This sword will never kill for the hands of the Alliance again. Gone are the banners of the Alliance. Stromgarde is now at the disposal of the Horde. Of the Grim."

"I am Stromgarde now."
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