A letter rolled into a small pouch of coins.

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A letter rolled into a small pouch of coins.

Unread post by Sunderpalm »


I want to thank you for your participation in the liberation of Orgrimmar. Many Horde were held against their will and forced to work for Garrosh. Without wage. When Garrosh went crazy he threw me in a room with a buncha other goblins and forced us to build him the weapons he needed to fight you. My liberation is led me to seek to be a part of something more.

Your organization is just what the Horde needs. A third party to make sure the Horde doesn't corrupt to this point, a third party to do what must be done. Allow me to pay back my freedom by serving your cause. My services are yours.

-Daxxum Rigswitch

P.S. The money is for your time. Thank you.
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